Your program end date may change due to circumstances beyond IFSA’s control. After enrolling in classes on-site, be sure to verify your exam schedule as you may have exams after the published program end date. We also strongly recommend that you investigate fees and penalties associated with your airline tickets in case you need to make date or route changes. Most students are able to find classes that coincide with the program’s end date. Exams must be taken where and when scheduled. Under no circumstances may students request that an exam time be changed.
Internship Visa Costs
If you pursue an internshipas part of your program in Santiago, you will be required to secure a student visa, officially known as a residencia temporal, before arriving in Chile (estimated $240).
Lab and Field Trip Fees
Some direct-enroll classes may have one-off lab or field trip fees. You will be responsible for these fees, whether they are billed and paid by IFSA or billed to you.