Category Stories: Career

  • The Inspiration Found Abroad

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    The Inspiration Found Abroad

    My motivation was dwindling. The spark and aspiration I entered college with had become a dying flame, hardly reminiscent of its former self. I knew I wanted to work with video production ever since I was a freshman in high school. Hearing peers and classmates say they loved my work meant everything to me, and…

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  • Life-Long Skills: The Professional Benefits of Studying Abroad

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    Life-Long Skills: The Professional Benefits of Studying Abroad

    There are countless reasons to study abroad from academic development to cultural immersion to personal growth. Another is developing pre-professional skills. Many students, however, assume studying abroad and being out the country will hurt their chances for a summer internship or job. That might not be the case.  Myth: You will miss out on the…

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  • Career Catalysis: Finding Professional Inspiration in Chile

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    Career Catalysis: Finding Professional Inspiration in Chile

    When I stepped off a 14-hour flight into the blinking winter sun of Santiago, Chile, I had no clue what I would find. Throughout college, where I study Disability Studies and pre-medicine, I had worked hard to plan for some free time during my study abroad semester where I could really branch out and try…

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  • My Academic Experience at UCL

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    My Academic Experience at UCL

    Though I had an incredible time making friends, traveling, living in a foreign city, and enjoying independence broad, my academic experience at UCL was something I carry with me every day and remains the most influential on my daily life. To my surprise, I was the only American in a few of my classes. Which…

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  • How Interning Abroad Gave Me Clarity on My Career Path

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    How Interning Abroad Gave Me Clarity on My Career Path

    My biggest qualm about studying abroad was leaving in the middle of the summer, cutting short any potential resume-building activities. The school year in Australia starts in early August, meaning I had to leave home in July. As I predicted, I wasn’t able to get any meaningful work during my truncated summer. However, the University…

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  • How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad

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    How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad

    How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad Decision to Study Abroad as a STEM Major One of the locations of my Marine Biology lab practicals. We went to Maroubra beach and collected data on the algae along the rocky shores. Studying abroad in college was something I knew that I wanted to experience.…

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  • Applying to Internships While Abroad

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    Applying to Internships While Abroad

    As a junior, it is expected that I will have an internship the summer before my senior year to prepare for life after college. However, I never anticipated I would be abroad when trying to apply for these jobs. I realized I would need to put in ten times as much effort as I would…

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  • IFSA Interview Series: Cinema in Argentina

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    IFSA Interview Series: Cinema in Argentina

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  • Everywhere is a Classroom: Learning Through Internships Abroad

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    Everywhere is a Classroom: Learning Through Internships Abroad

    Before I moved to Melbourne, I thought of my semester abroad like a hands-on research experience. As an Urban Studies major, I had spent years studying and discussing all aspects of urban life — city governance, urban planning, social inequity, affordability, transportation, design, and so on. Over and over again, critical discourse on how to…

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  • An Education Internship: Building Cross-Cultural Understanding

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    An Education Internship: Building Cross-Cultural Understanding

    Sandy beaches, bright sunshine, a frosty Coca Cola. This is the common conception of Mexico, and when I returned home after studying abroad, this is what many of my friends, family and peers asked me about: “How were the beaches?” or “Was it warm all the time?” While I did my fair share of traveling…

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