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  • Letting in Kindness Abroad

    I arrived in Ireland two days before I could move into my accommodations at the Burren College of Art. I booked a room at a cheap inn I found online with a sparse website and no numbers in its address.  I was staying in Ennis, a market town in the west of Ireland. It was…

    Letting in Kindness Abroad

  • A Feminist in Chile

    Where to go? Being a woman, much of life is different for me and studying abroad is not an exception. From contemplating where to go, to actually studying there, there are extra considerations. As a strong feminist who is extremely critical of the United States’ gender issues I was intimidated about what study abroad would…

    A Feminist in Chile

  • Five Key Tips for Living Abroad with a Dietary Restriction

    As a vegetarian, traveling has always held extra challenges for me. Would I be able to find enough food? What should I bring? Would I bother the people around me? On family vacations and class trips, I was always sure to prepare for the day or week ahead, doing my best to make sure I didn’t…

    Five Key Tips for Living Abroad with a Dietary Restriction

  • How IFSA Made My Abroad Experience Unforgettable

    Cultural immersion, beautiful natural sights, exotic animals (kangaroos!), and breathtaking live entertainment are just a few of the ways I can recap my experience abroad in Sydney, Australia. In addition to the amazing sights and adventures I took part in, I also made some of the closest bonds with people I will never forget. If…

    How IFSA Made My Abroad Experience Unforgettable

  • From Aloha to Kia Ora

    Long before I set foot in New Zealand, while I was still waiting to hear back from IFSA and conducting preliminary research on the place where I would soon spend five months studying and exploring, I assumed that New Zealand would be very similar to my home in Hawaii. Afterall, how different could this Pacific…

    From Aloha to Kia Ora

  • A Very Special Poya Day

    October 15th in Sri Lanka was more than just another Saturday: for me and my family it was Poya Day, it was my amma’s birthday, and it was a day full of bonding and fun! (Just for reference, “amma” means mom, “akka” means older sister, and “tatta” means dad in Sinhala – these are my…

    A Very Special Poya Day

  • A Love Letter to the East End

    Online research about the East End would have you thinking that the most significant part about it was Jack the Ripper. However, London’s EastEnders and those such as myself who have had the opportunity to live here would most certainly disagree. As I prepare to leave my home of the last three months, I am…

    A Love Letter to the East End

  • IFSA Celebrates a Day of Service

    January 19, 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” In honor of this sentiment, IFSA employees dedicated January 15, 2018, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, to service across the Indianapolis area. The multi-location event was organized by IFSA employees Rachel Vaughn and…

    IFSA Celebrates a Day of Service

  • What is it Like Studying Abroad While Studying Abroad?

    Exploring Racial and Ethnic Identity as an International Student Studying Abroad Studying abroad can be a very exciting, yet daunting experience. I’ve always had wanderlust and thus knew I had to study abroad. As a British international student pursuing an undergraduate degree for the last three years in the United States, I knew that was…

    What is it Like Studying Abroad While Studying Abroad?

  • Heritage & Privilege: Multi-Racial Identity Abroad

    When you think about Native Americans, what do you think about? Do you imagine an “Indians and cowboys” scene from the 1800s that involves a lot of shouting and gunfire? Maybe you think of broken English and peace pipes in a smoke filled tipi? Whatever comes to mind, it probably isn’t a modern people that…

    Heritage & Privilege: Multi-Racial Identity Abroad