Category Stories: Faith Communities

  • How to Believe in God in Buenos Aires

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    How to Believe in God in Buenos Aires

    I like to think about God. I like the idea of God. I like the bruised, vast mass of enthusiastic yet estranged believers scattered across the planet. I like the founding myths. I like the traditions and the weight of people who have come before. I like the smell of incense, and I like the…

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  • Navigating Faith in a Post-Faith Society

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    Navigating Faith in a Post-Faith Society

    Colleges are widely acknowledged as the place where young people go to broaden their worldview, grow their minds, and challenge their beliefs; changes which often result in students straying from religion. However, over the course of my first two years of college, my Christian faith became more a part of my identity than it ever…

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  • How 3 Students Got Their Parents on Board for Study Abroad

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    How 3 Students Got Their Parents on Board for Study Abroad

    When it comes to studying abroad, we all have our own challenges to overcome—some we share, some we differ on. But what is a common thread among all of us is that it took the support of our families to get here.While a lot of my peers on this program, myself included, got the support and…

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  • Finding Faith at University

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    Finding Faith at University

    ’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: going abroad can be tough. It’s often exhausting mentally, physically, and emotionally, especially in the first few weeks. Sometimes wonderful moments are quickly followed by deep pangs of homesickness, putting your heart on a rollercoaster ride it never bargained for. All these twists and turns can…

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  • In the Final Days…

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    In the Final Days…

    My oh my oh my! Time is just flying at supersonic speeds! I am about three fourths of the way through my time here which is absolutely depressing. Oh so absolutely depressing. I love it here in Australia and in my time here since I last wrote my love for the country has multiplied a…

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  • Feelin’ the Aussie Love

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    Feelin’ the Aussie Love

    Night is always my reflection and thinking time. And as I sit at Darling Harbor surrounded by my IFSA crew  and beautiful scenery I think back on the month that flew by. And though this is unfair to say to my home, I have fallen madly in love with this country. Or at least Sydney.…

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