Search results for: “internships”

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  • History, Philosophy, and Religion

    Explore the birthplace of histories, philosophies, and religions around the world! Studying abroad through IFSA gives you an amazing range of options spanning Europe, Latin America, Asia and Oceania. IFSA has a strong history of supporting students in your field of study. In fact, IFSA’s proprietary CHART database has over 4,000 classes around the world that students…

    History, Philosophy, and Religion

  • Social Sciences

    IFSA has a robust history of sending students to study the social sciences abroad, a natural complement to this area of study. IFSA categorizes social science options abroad with two dozen fields of study, ranging from anthropology and criminal justice to psychology, social work and everything in between. IFSA’s signature CHART database displays an astounding 6,000 classes…

    Social Sciences

  • Parents and Families

    What Will Study Abroad Do for My Student? Study abroad has been identified by the National Survey on Student Engagement as a high-impact educational practice with the potential to drive academic and personal success. More than just a travel opportunity, study abroad fosters skills such as critical thinking, intercultural agility and language acquisition. IFSA emphasizes…

    Parents and Families

  • 4 Common Myths About STEM Students Studying Abroad

    As you probably know, STEM students continue to be the minority of those who study abroad in their undergraduate study. Many STEM students either think it is impossible for them to study abroad or feel like it’d be a burden. Let me assure you: those conceptions are not necessarily true. Myth #1: It Doesn’t Fit…

    4 Common Myths About STEM Students Studying Abroad

  • How I Found Passion in New Zealand

    I have known I wanted to work with the environment in some capacity since I was a young girl taking trips to the Bronx Zoo as often as possible. I followed Southern Boulevard right to Fordham University where I have spent the last 4 years of my life, and where I will receive my degree…

    How I Found Passion in New Zealand

  • Academics Abroad: It’s Not Better It’s Just Different

    Nine hours of total class time throughout an entire week may seem like nothing in comparison to the American system where each class has roughly this amount each week.  During my time abroad at the University of Edinburgh, I had exactly that. Nine hours of a class per week. On top of that, all of my…

    Academics Abroad: It’s Not Better It’s Just Different

  • How My Experiences with Chilean Culture Changed Me

    Unpacking My Amazing Experience I’ve thought and reflected on my time studying abroad since returning from Valparaiso, Chile My experience was nothing but learning, experiencing, and understanding — IFSA provided me with so many opportunities to grow as an individual and also with the local community, which is something that I will carry with me for…

    How My Experiences with Chilean Culture Changed Me

  • British Work Culture vs. American Work Culture

    Interestingly, despite having the opportunity to travel to 8 different countries in Europe, one of my largest culture shocks while abroad was the difference in European work culture, specifically in the UK, versus in the United States. During my time in London, I was a 20-minute walk away from London’s financial center, which is the…

    British Work Culture vs. American Work Culture

  • The First Step Abroad: Being First-Gen in London

    After having both my sister and I, my mother went back to school to obtain her bachelors degree in Accounting and Management. I remember the nights spent doing homework in my father’s four-door sedan while parked at my mother’s university, one of two on the island of Jamaica, waiting for her to complete her classes…

    The First Step Abroad: Being First-Gen in London

  • The Unexpected and Everlasting Benefits of Study Abroad

    When I was deciding to study abroad, the last thing on my mind was my impending senior year job search. For one, I never really considered that study abroad would help me in any way down the line. I didn’t study abroad to better prepare myself for my career, I studied abroad to have an amazing…

    The Unexpected and Everlasting Benefits of Study Abroad