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Search results for: “australia”

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  • How to Avoid Dairy (And Other Allergens) While Abroad

    As someone who can’t eat dairy, I worried about how this would affect my study abroad experience. I did not know how much control I would have over what I was eating. However, I found that during my my dietary restriction did not hold me back and I want to share some of the ways…

    How to Avoid Dairy (And Other Allergens) While Abroad

  • In A World of Possibilities, Why IFSA?

    Choosing IFSA: Why the Program Was Right for Me  When it came time for me to choose how and where I wanted to study abroad, the possibilities were quite literally endless. My university allows students to study via a “Duke-In” program, an  approved program, or you can petition for a specific program. The infinite options…

    In A World of Possibilities, Why IFSA?

  • Coding Languages Are Standard, STEM Classes Are Not

    Preparing to Take STEM Classes Abroad I always knew I was interested in studying abroad after seeing my the wonderful experiences my sister and cousins had in various places around the world. When the anticipation of declaring a major began to loom during my sophomore year, I realized I had to start seriously considering how…

    Coding Languages Are Standard, STEM Classes Are Not

  • Tips for Navigating Study Abroad as an Introvert

    When I told people I was planning on studying abroad, one of the things I heard most often was, “You’re going to have an amazing time! You’ll make friends for life!” Although it was nice to hear people say this, I also found myself feeling stressed out about the prospect of making “friends for life”…

    Tips for Navigating Study Abroad as an Introvert

  • Learning How to Swim in Troubled Waters

    Life is truly unpredictable. You never know what’s going to happen, when it’ll happen, or where you’ll end up. In some cases, this means being granted some of the best blessings in life; exploring countries you never thought you’d ever see. In other cases, this means dealing with hardships that derail you from everything you…

    Learning How to Swim in Troubled Waters

  • Pack for a Semester in One Bag. Here’s How.

    You’re studying abroad! For me, my study abroad experience was my first time leaving the country. I had many questions on my mind: how to best travel on a budget, how to deal with homesickness, how to apply for scholarships or insurance abroad, how to get around in a foreign country, and so many more. If you are like me, you may have a similar abundance…

    Pack for a Semester in One Bag. Here’s How.

  • Culture Shock in Scotland

    I chose the University of St Andrews as my study abroad destination because, coming from Bowdoin College with just over 1,800 students, St Andrews would not seem overwhelmingly large. The fact that Scotland is English-speaking and not wildly different from the United States was also a huge plus. And IFSA orientation in Edinburgh, I felt…

    Culture Shock in Scotland

  • Surviving Sydney: A Guide to IFSA-Butler Orientation

    Arriving in Sydney They say nothing can prepare you for your flight to Sydney and trust me they’re right! Unfortunately I was one of the rare cases that was caught in the bad weather hitting the Northeast when I was making my way to Sydney. After 49 hours of lounging in airports, experiencing flight delays…

    Surviving Sydney: A Guide to IFSA-Butler Orientation

  • Sights and Society: Remembering the History as a Tourist

    A perk of studying abroad with IFSA-Butler: the excursions that are included in the cost. Last week, IFSA organized a trip to the Highlands for all the students on the Scotland program—that’s around 100 of us from four cities, on four buses on a four-hour drive. (I don’t know why but four seems to be the magic…

    Sights and Society: Remembering the History as a Tourist

  • Science: It’s Even Cooler Abroad – A Digital Story

    I never imagined collecting spiders or digging for insects could make me so excited about not only an environment but also the basic ecology that was going on inside it. Rather than spend her whole semester studying in a classroom, Hannah’s biology class studied on Fraser Island, the only place in the world where rainforest…

    Science: It’s Even Cooler Abroad – A Digital Story