Search results for: “australia”

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  • Helping Australia Recover from the Bushfires

    February 10, 2020 While much of the U.S. battles blizzards and ice storms in the winter months, Australia is experiencing summer and its hottest months. Along with that comes an annual fire season, typically from December to March, when areas of the Australian outback are most susceptible to wildfires, or bushfires. This season’s bushfires in…

    Helping Australia Recover from the Bushfires

  • 5 Misconceptions About Studying in Australia

    When you hear “Australia,” what’s the first thing that springs to mind? For some, it’d be kangaroos, koalas, or any number of horrifying creepy-crawlies. Others would say “shrimp* on the barbie” or Vegemite. A few others might mention the iconic Sydney Opera House. But the true Australia is so much more than these standard stereotypes. Still, whenever I’d tell someone that…

    5 Misconceptions About Studying in Australia

  • Our Team

    Advising, Admissions, and Financial Aid Student Engagement Finance International Staff Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Academic Programs Academic Affairs Global Operations Institutional Relations Custom Programs Institutional Engagement Operations Human Resources Information Technology Marketing and Analytics Leadership Executive Team Board of Directors IFSA Strategic Advisory Council Advising, Admissions, and Financial Aid International Staff Health, Safety, and Wellbeing…

    Our Team

  • How to Eat Your Way Through Oz

    Hi! My name is Emily Eilertsen and I’m a student at Skidmore College. Last spring semester I studied abroad in Melbourne, Australia. I’m a big foodie, so cuisine constituted a significant part of my experience abroad. Here’s a brief report of my findings! Bon Appétit! #1 Delve Into an Outback Burger Though this particular burger was…

    How to Eat Your Way Through Oz

  • How to Study Abroad as a STEM Major

    Studying abroad was something I always wanted to do, and I knew Australia was the place for me. I have always been in love with Marine Biology, and that is what I decided to major in. The next step in my path to becoming a Marine Biologist was to study abroad in a place that…

    How to Study Abroad as a STEM Major

  • Visa Requirements

    Know What You Need and Allow Ample Time   Updated: January 31, 2024 Taking care of details and documents may not be the most thrilling part of studying abroad. But it can prevent headaches and give you the peace of mind to focus on the excitement ahead. For starters, know that many countries require visiting students…

  • An Open Thank You Letter to Australia

    Dear Australia,I want to sincerely thank you for the past four and a half months. You have changed me.I wasn’t quite sure what I was signing up for when I agreed to study half way across the world. Hearing everyone else’s stories, those who braved the experience before me, made study abroad sound like an…

    An Open Thank You Letter to Australia

  • Australia Outbound Study Abroad

    Short-Term Study Abroad IFSA provides study abroad during three-week Summer programs (January Term) and four-week Winter program (June-July). Opportunities are open to students of all year levels and all fields. No previous knowledge is required and all classes are taught in English (well, except for some language class offerings). Summer options include: Ecology and Sustainable…

    Australia Outbound Study Abroad

  • How an Introvert Survived Study Abroad

    Walking off the plane to see my mom waiting for me in Charlotte, NC made a huge smile wipe across my face.I hadn’t seen her, or any of my other friends and family for 5 months. It felt wonderful to see them, but there was also a biting sadness in the back of my brain,…

    How an Introvert Survived Study Abroad