Search results for: “australia”

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  • 5 Advantages of Studying Abroad as a Woman of Color

    Before I went to Australia, I assumed that being a woman of color in a predominantly white country would be difficult and that my identity might negatively impact my study abroad experience.  However, something I never thought about was how my identity would positively impact my time abroad in terms of the conversations I would…

    5 Advantages of Studying Abroad as a Woman of Color

  • Introducing the Spring 2023 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

    January 17, 2023 Meet Our Newest Roving Reporters There’s no one better qualified to share the experiences of students in new lands than the students themselves. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you to our 15 Spring 2023 Student Marketing Correspondents. We look forward to hearing from this talented crew as they discover Argentina, Australia,…

    Introducing the Spring 2023 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

  • Spring 2024 Special Offers

    December 1, 2023 IFSA program promotions are open to students planning to study abroad with IFSA for the Spring 2024 term. Cultural Connections Sweepstakes Win $500 for airfare plus a $500 cultural grant  We’re helping 20 students fly to their Spring 2024 study abroad destinations—and soak up as much culture as they can.    Go to…

    Spring 2024 Special Offers

  • Keeping Current From Thousands of Miles Away

     Writing for IFSA ‘s student blog as a First Generation Scholar has made my study abroad experience so unique and special. It has also made it a bit daunting. There are endless topics I could write about, well past 1000 words. There are also students out there just like me, first generation college kids with…

    Keeping Current From Thousands of Miles Away

  • How to Survive & Thrive Until Study Abroad Really Begins

    My journey into study abroad was filled with many emotional highs and lows. It was like a novel; it had a beginning, middle and end. Everyone talked about the beginning and end, but where was the middle, the heart of the story? No one ever mentioned it, that time between acceptance and actually being abroad.Everyone…

    How to Survive & Thrive Until Study Abroad Really Begins

  • The Best of Two Continents – Cultivating Your Image Abroad

    Never in my wildest childhood dreams did I think that I’d pull a Hannah Montana and get The Best of Both Worlds– or in my case, the best of two continents. I’m not quite sure what I expected when I went abroad. Part of me had grasped the concept of starting a new- sort of -life, but I hadn’t…

    The Best of Two Continents – Cultivating Your Image Abroad

  • Never Alone

    If you had an opportunity for the experience of a lifetime, would you go alone? In my journey to go abroad, there were a few things I had to take into consideration: I had to find a great business school, I wanted to be able to compete a full swim season before I left, and…

    Never Alone

  • Why All Students In Greek Life Should Study Abroad

    Studying abroad is often the best time of people’s lives, at least I know it was for me! Last February, I traveled to Sydney, Australia to study abroad at the University of New South Wales. While this was one of the most unique and exciting times of my life, I would be lying if I…

    Why All Students In Greek Life Should Study Abroad

  • The Hurdles of Studying Abroad As A Student Athlete

    The Biggest Hurdle Studying abroad as a student athlete seems challenging as depending on the schedule of your specific sport, one semester of the year is spent actively in season and the other is typically spent training for that season. If you plan on playing your sport all four years of college, how can you…

    The Hurdles of Studying Abroad As A Student Athlete

  • My Golden Internship: Why I Chose to Intern on the Gold Coast

    There is so much pressure to graduate with work experience, yet barely any time. From the very first day of college, my professors have stressed the importance of internships. As a student who is involved in leadership positions in Greek life, the Honors College, and a professional organization, I barely have time to sleep, let…

    My Golden Internship: Why I Chose to Intern on the Gold Coast