Story Location: England
In Defense of Being Alone (or, Christmas and the Case of the Karmic Meat)
Marisa Braverman
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Christmas of 2014, I spent alone. But before you sigh and move on, this looking like a complaint, let me give you more information. Winter Break of 2014 I spent bouncing around Europe on a train.Here’s how it goes: I spent the entirety of my junior year of college abroad. First, I was in Paris,…
The Road to Becoming a True Fan
Marisa Braverman
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I was walking next to hundreds of fans when I noticed the ‘White Hart Lane’ sign and realized just how privileged I was to be part of that game. When I went abroad to London, I told myself that I had to go out and engage in British cultural activities. In case you are wondering,…
A Culinary Journey Through London
Marisa Braverman
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[caption id="attachment_1151" align="aligncenter" width="697"] Hello everyone! My name is Jessica Carlson and I will be taking over IFSA’s Instagram with photographs from my time abroad in London, England last fall. I studied as an affiliate student in the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at University College London. I am currently a senior at Wesleyan…
21 Pembridge Gardens
Marisa Braverman
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It has been nearly a year since I’ve returned from my semester studying abroad in London at City University. The ink has dried in the journal I kept to document my experiences, and the overweight suitcases full of useless things have long been put away. There is something still yet present in my life, close…
Cemented Memories
Marisa Braverman
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London has a smell. I’ve heard people say that places have certain smells, and I’ve heard that smells are a catalyst of remembering. But, you wouldn’t know that London had a smell until you left it, and then came back.Upon arrival in London for my six months abroad, I was in no way thinking about…
Flat 25
Marisa Braverman
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Everyone has the preconceived notion that while abroad they will become friends with locals, go out every night, and travel to countless exotic places. I learned, however, that it is better to go in with no expectations since chances are that nothing will be as expected. People’s pictures during their time abroad make it look…
Adversity Abroad
Marisa Braverman
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We had missed our Oxford stop. My friend from back home and I were too absorbed in our conversations to realize the train had stopped at Oxford and the Oxford passengers had departed; so we were now in the middle of the Oxfordshire countryside on small platform with only the trees and the cool autumn…
What’s On – A Digital Story
Marisa Braverman
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“The English enthusiasm for theater is something I really wanted to put in my pocket and bring back to my hometown.”Angela did not expect to find such rich passion for the performing arts in London, but it further inspired her to study her calling of acting! Angela Geiss is a Acting student at Illinois…
The Queue: A Digital Story
Marisa Braverman
posted on Zoe Rammelkamp is a student at Johns Hopkins University and studied abroad with IFSA-Butler at King’s College London in 2012.
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