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Jasmine Di Diego

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Jasmine Di Diego

Enrollment Counselor

Start Date

August 2023


Hapa • Queer • Avid Bookworm • Community Creative

“I traveled in Europe while the vote on Brexit was passed and personally saw the toll and reactions from this historical event. I am so excited for students to experience history in the making as they travel, just as I did.”


Jasmine graduated from University of Texas at Austin in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in comparative religion, a minor in women and gender studies, and a certificate in LGBTQIA+ studies.

Travel Experience

Jasmine was born in Tokyo and traveled to their family’s hometown of Seoul when they were young. In college, they attended a study abroad program in Würzburg, Germany, after which they backpacked through Venice, London, and Ireland alone.

Did You Know?

Jasmine has six cats and one dog. One of their cats is named Shrimp Fried Rice.