Category Stories: Career

  • Don’t Be “Wasteful” when Studying Abroad

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    Don’t Be “Wasteful” when Studying Abroad

    It is always easier to stick to the known and ignore the unknown because it is “scary,” but the unknown is where the adventures take place.I went to Costa Rica with eight other students from the United States. Initially, I told myself I was going to disconnect from the world, meaning no social media, no…

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  • Furthering My Educational Goals While Abroad: Homework Club at Scoil Bhride

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    Furthering My Educational Goals While Abroad: Homework Club at Scoil Bhride

    Last fall, while I was abroad in Galway, Ireland, I was lucky enough to be accepted into a U.S. visiting students’ service learning course at the National University of Ireland Galway, which went to a local primary school to help at their homework club. This club was where particular students that were struggling with their…

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  • Taking STEM Further

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    Taking STEM Further

    As an Engineering student, it was important to me that my study abroad program was centered around a course that would fit into my degree plan and offer me the opportunity to further my career network. IFSA-Butler’s program at Ulster University: Engineering and Irish Studies offered me just that. Choosing your program One of the main points…

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  • The Top 5 Ways I can Leverage My Study Abroad Experience as a Science Professional

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    The Top 5 Ways I can Leverage My Study Abroad Experience as a Science Professional

    If you’re a STEM major, you might be thinking, “What could studying for a semester or two in another country possibly have to do with my future success?”And as a cognitive science major, I get that. But being a good scientist and a desirable candidate for a job takes much more than fulfilling a list of…

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  • Interning in Australia – A Digital Story

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    Interning in Australia – A Digital Story

    “Going abroad didn’t keep me from excelling. It gave me adventure and opportunities all in one. Don’t let your fears hold you back, because if you do you will be missing out on the most amazing opportunity of all: really living.” https://www.youtube.com/embed/zishdt5IaZw?feature=oembed Julie Hoffmann is a student at Columbia University and studied abroad with IFSA…

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  • The Intern Life: Scottish Parliament

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    The Intern Life: Scottish Parliament

    6:45 – Wake up! I know it’s early, but get excited to start a new day at Parliament! 7:50 – Leave Robertson’s Close (your University of Edinburgh accommodation) and start your walk to Holyrood Feel free to stop in Holyrood cafe, Starbucks, Cafe Nero, or the Parliament cafeteria for breakfast along the way. (Tip: What we call ‘coffee’ Scots call…

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  • A Life-Changing Experience: A Digital Story

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    A Life-Changing Experience: A Digital Story

    Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, you know what’s even scarier? Regret. This February I left behind the familiarity of my friends, family, university, and home for a five-month study abroad experience in the heart of Sydney, Australia. I took the risk of adventure. I was living in an unfamiliar city in…

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