Category Stories: First Generation

  • How being a first-generation college student pushed me to study abroad

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    How being a first-generation college student pushed me to study abroad

    When the world was thirty-three years younger than it is now, my dad graduated high school with his head somewhere in the clouds, because that was the best place to find the kind of birds he was looking for. Gray ones, camo ones, with bodies that were built not grown, stomachs that guzzled gas not…

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  • Myth Busters: Study Abroad Edition

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    Myth Busters: Study Abroad Edition

    Myth Busters: Study Abroad Edition You may think you know what it takes to be able to study abroad during your undergraduate college career. You may also think you know that studying abroad isn’t possible for you.You may be wrong. I chose Franklin & Marshall College for two reasons: the research opportunities and the study…

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  • Finding a Faith Community in a Secular Country

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    Finding a Faith Community in a Secular Country

    If you’re like me, you spend an awful lot of time worrying about the state of your immortal soul. And as a first-generation college student—at that, one whose parents had never left the country—it was a source of some anxiety for me, whether I’d be able to practice my religion to a sufficiently neurotic extent…

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  • Somewhere In the Rainbow: Celebrating Pride in Wellington

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    Somewhere In the Rainbow: Celebrating Pride in Wellington

    It’s my first year of college, and I’m sitting on the floor in my room making friendship bracelets, because I never grew out of making friendship bracelets (and honestly, I probably never will). I can’t do anything too fancy, three colors being the maximum number of colors I can work with, but that’s perfect for…

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  • First Generation Abroad

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    First Generation Abroad

    Is it Possible? It had always been a dream of mine to study abroad every since my older brother did so in Beijing. I was obviously stressed out about how I could possibly afford it. I searched my college’s financial assistance websites and applied for all the scholarships I could find. I also, applied for…

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  • Home Away from Home

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    Home Away from Home

    Being a first-generation student in my family, and certainly the first to study abroad, my arrival in Scotland came with many mixed feelings of excitement, anxiety and pure displacement. After orientation in Edinburgh I was taken to my apartment, generously under the direction of the IFSA staff, who also gave me a wonderful initial tour…

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  • Bipolar Abroad

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    Bipolar Abroad

    College life presents many challenges, but for those students dealing with mental illness, it can seem like an insurmountable task at times. I speak from experience, as I cope daily with bipolar II, which is a manic-depressive mood disorder. Managing bipolar disorder while studying abroad can seem even more insurmountable, but with the right preparation…

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  • Navigating Study Abroad as a First Generation Student

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    Navigating Study Abroad as a First Generation Student

    College is often seen as a journey undertaken to prepare us for life outside of school. It’s a time of personal and academic growth that is filled with many challenges: navigating adulthood, balancing and prioritizing time schedules, making lasting relationships, and, above all, preparing oneself to become an active member of society. Some students may…

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  • Why First Gens Thrive Abroad

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    Why First Gens Thrive Abroad

    I learned early in my college journey that there is a difference between your resourcefulness and your resources. Resources come and go, and some of us inherited more than others. Resourcefulness, however, is a skill that anyone can develop and is a particularly important life skill that can make for a successful student and traveler,and…

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  • Taking the Time to Safely Explore Your Local Area

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    Taking the Time to Safely Explore Your Local Area

    When we talk about study abroad, all too often we describe the 10 different places visited during our time away from the USA. It is true that having the opportunity to travel to so many interesting places is extremely rewarding and allows for personal growth. However, we often overlook the connection with our local area…

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