Category Stories: First Generation

  • Low Income Students Can Study Abroad Too

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    Low Income Students Can Study Abroad Too

    When I was asked by my friends, family, and teachers if I wanted to study abroad, it was a no brainer. Of course I wanted to go away on a new adventure. But when it finally came down to actually going through the process and confirming my decision, reality struck. How was I going to…

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  • The 4 Stages You’ll Go Through as a Minority Abroad

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    The 4 Stages You’ll Go Through as a Minority Abroad

    My experience as a woman of color (specifically black) is different than the experience of someone who may look just like me but lives within a different socio-political atmosphere. This could be as subtle a difference as a few cities over, or as drastic as the other side of the world — a situation I…

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  • Unprecedented: Being the First but Not Last Generation Abroad.

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    Unprecedented: Being the First but Not Last Generation Abroad.

    Who we are is a story that we tell ourselves. It is a sentiment I have heard reiterated by coaches, professors, and friends as a means of motivation. “You are strong if you believe yourself to be!” “You can do remarkable things if you believe that you are worthy and are capable of them!”One of…

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  • How to Survive & Thrive Until Study Abroad Really Begins

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    How to Survive & Thrive Until Study Abroad Really Begins

    My journey into study abroad was filled with many emotional highs and lows. It was like a novel; it had a beginning, middle and end. Everyone talked about the beginning and end, but where was the middle, the heart of the story? No one ever mentioned it, that time between acceptance and actually being abroad.Everyone…

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  • Navigating a City Proud of their European Heritage as a Student of Color: Part Two

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    Navigating a City Proud of their European Heritage as a Student of Color: Part Two

    As discussed in part one of this series, Buenos Aires is a city whose citizens pride themselves on their European heritage, resulting a city-native identity that relies on being white. As a result, students who don’t pass as white may be quickly labeled as “other.” Students I spoke with who identify as East Asian or…

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  • Navigating a City Proud of their European Heritage as a Student of Color: Part One

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    Navigating a City Proud of their European Heritage as a Student of Color: Part One

    I walked into the convenience store on the corner of my block in Buenos Aires. As I dipped my head into the shade of the corner store, I asked the cashier if they sold orange juice. They ran out of cold ones, he’d said, “Pero hay un Chino en la esquina.” Translation: “But there’s a…

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  • First Generation Student Abroad

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    First Generation Student Abroad

    Grit Gets You There. Becoming a first generation student scholar through IFSA was one of my biggest dreams come true. Despite the high financial demands of attending college and studying abroad, I accomplished this though persistence, grit, and hard work. I was looking forward to gaining research skills and relevant job experiences to improve my…

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  • Keeping Current From Thousands of Miles Away

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    Keeping Current From Thousands of Miles Away

     Writing for IFSA ‘s student blog as a First Generation Scholar has made my study abroad experience so unique and special. It has also made it a bit daunting. There are endless topics I could write about, well past 1000 words. There are also students out there just like me, first generation college kids with…

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  • I’m A First-Generation Student Who Studied Abroad, Now What?!

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    I’m A First-Generation Student Who Studied Abroad, Now What?!

    Applying to college was hard. Planning to study abroad was even harder. And now that my time here in Sydney is nearing the end, I’m facing the biggest challenge of them all: coming home! So here are my final thoughts on how I started, how I ended, and how I’m moving forward. Rude Awakenings: chicken…

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  • How Does a First-Generation, Non-Traditional Student Study Abroad?

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    How Does a First-Generation, Non-Traditional Student Study Abroad?

    My Story My parents did not attend college, and I was not really expected to attend either. My family also does not travel, and international travel was always a far-off fantasy for me. I never really expected for it to be possible for me to go anywhere; it was just something I daydreamed about from…

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