IFSA Butler





Category Stories: First Generation

  • The First Step Abroad: Being First-Gen in London

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    The First Step Abroad: Being First-Gen in London

    After having both my sister and I, my mother went back to school to obtain her bachelors degree in Accounting and Management. I remember the nights spent doing homework in my father’s four-door sedan while parked at my mother’s university, one of two on the island of Jamaica, waiting for her to complete her classes…

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  • This is Not a Vacation

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    This is Not a Vacation

    The moment I touched down in Sydney I was overcome with emotion. To this day I struggle to describe how exactly I felt while I was there. The closest that I can get is that I felt utterly and undeniably like I had somehow returned home. This place, this bustling metropolitan city, 10,000 miles away…

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