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  • New Lives, New Cultures

    One month, down three to go! Time in New Zealand so far has gone by so fast and everything is so different here than it is at home. The people are so nice and fun to be around, and the landscape is amazingly beautiful. That is one thing that does remind me of home. Coming…

    New Lives, New Cultures

  • Navigating Faith in a Post-Faith Society

    Colleges are widely acknowledged as the place where young people go to broaden their worldview, grow their minds, and challenge their beliefs; changes which often result in students straying from religion. However, over the course of my first two years of college, my Christian faith became more a part of my identity than it ever…

    Navigating Faith in a Post-Faith Society

  • How Study Abroad Helped Me Overcome Anxiety

    I was a freshman in high school when I learned that college students could choose to study in a foreign country. From that moment, I knew that I wanted to take advantage of the incredible opportunity and anticipated the day that I would embark on my own adventure abroad. When that day finally arrived, and…

    How Study Abroad Helped Me Overcome Anxiety

  • Take a Solo Trip, I Dare You

    Being in a new country brings along new food, friends and adventures. While it is exciting, it can be scary too, and it’s easy to try to slip back into your comfort zone. This is exactly what I found myself doing, and I realized that something needed to be done about it. So, I decided…

    Take a Solo Trip, I Dare You

  • The 2 Best Tips for Traveling With the Tube

    Let’s start from the beginning. I was set to leave the country on December 30, 2014, and I had been extremely anxious as to what I was supposed to do with my luggage when I arrived in London. My biggest concern was carrying two full size pieces of luggage and a carry-on while navigating my…

    The 2 Best Tips for Traveling With the Tube

  • How Study Abroad Changed My Life – A Digital Story

    Not only did I get a taste of a new world, but I got a taste of freedom that I was not aware I was lacking. https://www.youtube.com/embed/IwISDTw0kiM?feature=oembed Emely Gomez is a student at the University of Redlands and studied abroad with IFSA-Butler at Royal Holloway, University of London in England in 2015.

    How Study Abroad Changed My Life – A Digital Story

  • How I Learned the Culture of the London Underground – A Digital Story

    Growing up in New York City… I assumed there would be no surprises on the underground in London. I did not find out how wrong I was until I rode the tube in full costume to the IFSA-Butler Halloween party. https://www.youtube.com/embed/wVhY4VMtY3o?feature=oembed Jessica Carlson is a Psychology student at Wesleyan University and studied abroad with IFSA-Butler at…

    How I Learned the Culture of the London Underground – A Digital Story

  • Student Life at Oxford: Clubs and Societies

    At my US college, people struck up conversations in hallways, in classrooms, in the dining hall, even in line for coffee. I realized this five minutes into my college career: freshman year I was moving into my dorm room when a boy in my hall, fresh from the shower, and a complete stranger, stopped to…

    Student Life at Oxford: Clubs and Societies

  • Skydiving In Scotland And Why My Parents Couldn’t Say No

    In preparation for writing this post, I read back through the journal that I kept while abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland. I tried to write an entry every day, and was successful in that endeavor most of the time. It was important to me that I chronicle my time abroad. I had been warned that the…

    Skydiving In Scotland And Why My Parents Couldn’t Say No

  • 5 Steps to Getting the Most Out of London

    1) Have An Open Mind While this might seem obvious, actually practicing this anywhere can be extremely difficult. My initial experiences in London testify to this: during my first few weeks of adjustment, I found myself carrying around some culturally presumptuous luggage. I incorrectly assumed that various individuals I met would share the common predispositions about life that…

    5 Steps to Getting the Most Out of London