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  • Introducing the Fall 2023 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

    IFSA | August 4, 2023 Meet Our Newest Roving Reporters There’s no one better qualified to share the experiences of students in new lands than the students themselves. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you to our Fall 2023 Student Marketing Correspondents. We look forward to hearing from this talented crew as they discover Argentina,…

    Introducing the Fall 2023 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

  • Our Team

    Advising, Admissions, and Financial Aid Student Engagement Finance International Staff Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Academic Programs Academic Affairs Global Operations Institutional Relations Custom and Collaborative Programs Institutional Engagement Operations Human Resources Information Technology Marketing and Analytics Leadership Executive Team Board of Directors IFSA Strategic Advisory Council Advising, Admissions, and Financial Aid International Staff Health, Safety,…

    Our Team

  • Turn It Upside Down: Study Abroad in Australia

    Venture out on a nocturnal safari.Meet kookaburras, koalas, and kangaroos.Make the Great Barrier Reef your classroom. Let’s start making your dream semester happen.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z4ayJdqi44 IFSA’s expert team can help you: Find the ideal program.Choose from 20 options at world-class universities in Australia and New Zealand, including summer sessions. Explore financial aid.Includes grants of up to $2,000 for students at state universities. Learn…

    Turn It Upside Down: Study Abroad in Australia

  • Learning to Walk on the Left Side of the Road

    Studying abroad as a first generation college student comes with many obstacles, as well as many feats.  As a first generation college student, there always seems to be pressure to do well at all times; pressure to study hard, make good grades and, most importantly, make your family proud.  The finish line is always in…

    Learning to Walk on the Left Side of the Road

  • Is Reverse Culture Shock a Myth or Fact?

    The time has come to return home from a wonderful semester abroad. Though this is a bittersweet time, it is time to finally go home.  At some point in your study abroad semester, you probably reached a point where you were just ready to go home.  For me, I hit that point, and I couldn’t…

    Is Reverse Culture Shock a Myth or Fact?

  • It’s Possible to Study Abroad if You’re a STEM Major: Just ask me!

    I declared my computer science major sophomore year. When I was assigned my advisor, she asked about my plans to study abroad, if I had any, since it can be difficult to fit studying abroad into a STEM major’s college experience. I was unsure but kept the thought in the back of my mind throughout…

    It’s Possible to Study Abroad if You’re a STEM Major:  Just ask me!

  • The DOs and DON’Ts of Studying Abroad

    1. DO make new friends as soon as possible. This photo was taken a mere 4 hours after I landed in Sydney for my program orientation. When I first arrived to the hotel, I was scared, tired, and worried about having to make new friends.It is always hard to leave your friends at home and…

    The DOs and DON’Ts of Studying Abroad

  • Everywhere is a Classroom: Learning Through Internships Abroad

    Before I moved to Melbourne, I thought of my semester abroad like a hands-on research experience. As an Urban Studies major, I had spent years studying and discussing all aspects of urban life — city governance, urban planning, social inequity, affordability, transportation, design, and so on. Over and over again, critical discourse on how to…

    Everywhere is a Classroom: Learning Through Internships Abroad

  • Finding a Home Away From My Greek House: Studying Abroad as a Student Involved in Greek Life

    As a freshman, I went through formal recruitment at the University of Mississippi and I have been very involved in my sorority since. I held positions on recruitment team and was involved in multiple committees. Other members in my sorority were very helpful and encouraging when I decided to study abroad, but it was also…

    Finding a Home Away From My Greek House: Studying Abroad as a Student Involved in Greek Life

  • Embracing My Sexuality in Melbourne

    Before I left home to study abroad in Melbourne, my friends who had previously studied in other countries told me about how their experiences—particularly those outside the classroom—changed them. Going abroad altered their perspectives, boosted their self-esteem, and helped them unearth deeper parts of themselves. “You’ll be a brand new you when you come home,” one said. “Well, not brand…

    Embracing My Sexuality in Melbourne