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Search results for: “australia”

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  • Special Mobility Series: How Moving to the Opposite Side of the World Changes You

    The exact opposite side of the world from where I live is in the Indian Ocean, a little southwest of Australia. And I got pretty close.I wasn’t expecting many obvious differences when I got there, since Australians speak English and I assumed the culture was relatively similar to America’s. But there’s more to culture besides…

    Special Mobility Series: How Moving to the Opposite Side of the World Changes You

  • Wait, Who Am I Living With? Multicultural Living Abroad

    It’s 10 pm on Tuesday July 14th. I’m sitting on the floor of the LAX airport trying to steady my breathing to refrain from having a panic attack. I read the sign blinking on the screen at the terminal: “35 minutes to boarding…” “30 minutes until boarding…” The time seems to be flying by. My…

    Wait, Who Am I Living With? Multicultural Living Abroad

  • You Are Infinite

    Everyone has a unique study abroad experience. We experience different cultures, different foods, and different languages. We meet different people and travel to different places. We bring with us different baggage, both physical and mental. Just as no two people are alike, no two study abroad experiences are identical. But there are common themes. Though…

    You Are Infinite

  • 3 First and Lasting Impressions of Sydney

    First impressions are everything. Whether they end up being right or wrong, they help us size-up our surroundings. When I first arrived to Sydney, Australia, my mind spat out a plethora of thoughts and emotions. After processing that I had just completed the longest travel adventure of my life, I started to form my initial…

    3 First and Lasting Impressions of Sydney

  • How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad

    How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad Decision to Study Abroad as a STEM Major [caption id="attachment_14821" align="alignright" width="225"] One of the locations of my Marine Biology lab practicals. We went to Maroubra beach and collected data on the algae along the rocky shores.[/caption] Studying abroad in college was something I knew that…

    How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad

  • Five Habits I Picked Up In Sydney

    The past five months studying abroad in Sydney, Australia have been the time of my life. I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to explore new places, immerse myself in a new country, experience life as a student at a very different university to the small liberal arts college I was used to,…

    Five Habits I Picked Up In Sydney

  • Educator Webinars

    Build Your Expertise Register to attend an upcoming webinar designed especially for international education professionals or watch a recording of a past webinar you may have missed. All events are 60 minutes or less. Upcoming In-Person Events Mental Health in Study Abroad: Post-Pandemic Workshop & DiscussionMacalester CollegeSaint Paul, MinnesotaApril 24, 2024 IFSA and Lehigh University…

    Educator Webinars

  • My Parents’ 4 Fears About Studying Down Under

    “You want to study abroad? In Australia? But that’s so far away!”That was the reaction I received (followed by an awkward silence) when I first told my parents that I wanted to study abroad in Melbourne, Australia. At first, this response perplexed me. I couldn’t fathom why they weren’t immediately as elated as I was over the thought of me attending a school halfway around the…

    My Parents’ 4 Fears About Studying Down Under

  • The Day I Died: A Journey Back to Reality

    I rolled out of bed with my eyes glued shut, creeped lazily down the stairs, and poured myself a cup of coffee. After stuffing a heaping bowl of Rice Krispies down my throat, I climbed into the basement, and went back to paradise. In the cozy basement of my home, I raced around a crowded and…

    The Day I Died: A Journey Back to Reality

  • Internationally Inclined

    When students return from overseas, it’s quite common to hear them use the phrase, “study abroad changed my life.” While I loved the five months I spent in the heart of Sydney, Australia, I would be more likely to say that study abroad shaped my life. Studying overseas not only provided me with international friendships and personal…

    Internationally Inclined