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  • So You’ve Chosen to Study in England: A Guide to Picking a Uni

    3 Pros to Ditching The “Big City” Life: UK Edition Note to the reader: Picking a studying abroad program is all about personal preference. Every country and city has something unique to offer every individual. I spent a year and a half searching the internet and various leaflets until I decided on IFSA and then Leeds.…

    So You’ve Chosen to Study in England: A Guide to Picking a Uni

  • Eating My Way to Cultural Immersion

    I believe that one of the best ways to learn about another culture is through its food. A nation’s cuisine can grant you access to its history, identity, and peoples. Thus when I came to London, one of my first wishes was to indulge in all of the tastes and flavors that makes this city unique.…

    Eating My Way to Cultural Immersion

  • National Identity Abroad: Us vs. Them-The Americans and the English

    My ‘About Me’ sections go like this: 22, college student, cat person, Hufflepuff. Nepali. The last one is hesitant, a fluttering around the periphery of my identity, almost a question. Nepali? I was born in Kathmandu, Nepal, and I lived there for nineteen years before leaving the country to attend college in America. Both my parents, both sets of…

    National Identity Abroad: Us vs. Them-The Americans and the English

  • Brushstrokes Across Borders

    Tristen Tate provides highlights of her first time traveling abroad and studying at SOAS, University of London with IFSA. She discusses how her arts classes, gallery visits, other European travels, as well as street art, helped to make her experience reflective and memorable. https://youtu.be/dRyqWQZ9sko Tristen Tate, a student at Claremont McKenna College, studied in England…

    Brushstrokes Across Borders

  • Introducing the Spring 2024 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

    IFSA | March 25, 2024 Meet Our Newest Roving Reporters We’re thrilled to welcome a new group of students to share their stories from abroad during the Spring 2024 term. With words, photos, and the magic of social media, this talented group will take students back home in the U.S. along on their cultural journeys.  …

    Introducing the Spring 2024 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

  • 4 Reasons Why Studying Abroad is Ideal for Any Student

    August 30, 2021 When you make the final decision to study abroad, you are setting yourself up for a semester of experiences outside of your comfort zone to see what the world has to offer. Whether you choose to study in England, Argentina, or any other location that IFSA offers, and whether it’s short-term or…

    4 Reasons Why Studying Abroad is Ideal for Any Student

  • Being Black and Muslim in London

    Studying in a foreign environment, as exciting as it is, can be a little daunting. For students who identify as members of marginalized groups, transitioning can be even more difficult. As I was preparing to study abroad, I remember hearing that only 5% of Black students travelled abroad, and I found this statistic to be…

    Being Black and Muslim in London

  • It’s Fun Studying Abroad (IFSA)

    IFSA is more than just an organization to help students study abroad. They made me feel less alone while I was abroad.  The status of being a foreigner was definitely evident, regardless of the similarities between American and British cultures.  A majority of students in London commuted to university, and therefore many friend groups formed…

    It’s Fun Studying Abroad (IFSA)

  • Predominantly Catholic Ireland Faces a Controversial Vote on Abortion

    As I watched the festive St. Patrick’s Day parade jubilantly marching through the streets, I learned that 2018 marks the 100th year of the women’s right to vote. Many of the groups in the parade chose to display a reflection of women taking action and gaining rights; many enthusiastically shouted that a woman’s place is in…

    Predominantly Catholic Ireland Faces a Controversial Vote on Abortion

  • The Daily Voyage

    Growing up in Nigeria, I passed through a British education system. I wanted to study in the U.K. for University because I knew the transition would be easier; besides, most of my friends were studying in the U.K. so I wanted to be where they were. I ended up coming to the U.S to study…

    The Daily Voyage