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  • Music: The (Almost) Universal Language

    I was nervous about a lot of things before I left for my term abroad. Fitting into the new environment, making friends, producing adequate coursework—all of these concerns swirled around my head as I made the long trek from the U.S. to England. But one of my biggest worries once I got off the plane was finding…

    Music: The (Almost) Universal Language

  • Building a Family Abroad – A Digital Story

    “My friends taught me what it was like to truly care for myself… My family abroad will be my family forever.” Queen Mary Fall 2017 student Rachel Godfrey describes making lasting friendships and connections while studying abroad in England. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2gq48NE0eQ[/embed] Rachel Godfrey is an African American Studies and Science in Society student at Wesleyan University…

    Building a Family Abroad – A Digital Story

  • As Cliché As It Sounds, I “Found Myself” Abroad

    Preconceived Notions are Hard to Overcome American students studying abroad have almost become a parody of themselves. From painstakingly staged Instagram posts of picnics under the Eiffel Tower to bar-hopping in Barcelona, the portrait of the college junior taking a semester to “study” whilst draining their parents’ wallets romping around Europe is not entirely flattering.…

    As Cliché As It Sounds, I “Found Myself” Abroad

  • Retaining My Kazakh Identity While Studying Abroad

    Probably one of my biggest fears when going abroad to study in the US 3 years ago and again upon my arrival in UK was that I would not be able to stay true to my culture and values held by my people. Kazakhstan, being a country of only 17 million people, does not have…

    Retaining My Kazakh Identity While Studying Abroad

  • My Homestay Experience Abroad

    Once I had become acquainted with my new Glasgow surroundings after a week, I traveled to Shap in northern England through my IFSA program to stay with a local family in what was called a homestay. Many of my friends in other countries live permanently with a local family for their semesters abroad and raved…

    My Homestay Experience Abroad

  • My Visa Process

    When I first discovered I needed to apply for a Visa to study in England, I was underwhelmed. I figured this would be a simple process. I thought I would fill out a form, send some money, and my visa would be on the way. In a way it was as simple as this, but…

    My Visa Process

  • 7 Reasons Why STEM Majors Should Study Abroad

    “Only liberal arts majors study abroad.” “Most programs don’t have classes that count towards my major.” “I might not graduate on time if I study abroad.” “The academic rigor of courses offered abroad falls short of the classes I would take in America.” “There are no benefits for STEM majors who study abroad.” … The…

    7 Reasons Why STEM Majors Should Study Abroad

  • 5 Visa Application Tips for the UK

    My tension did not go away after I was accepted at University College London, I still had two last things left on my excessively long Study Abroad To-Do List: apply for a UK visa and apply for a Schengen visa. As a Chinese passport holder, I was required to have a UK Short-term study visa for my…

    5 Visa Application Tips for the UK

  • Male Perspectives on Study Abroad

    I needed a little bit of help for this one. I recruited two of my new friends—who are also studying at the University of Leeds—to lend me some perspective. I wanted to know a little more about what it’s like to study abroad as a man. Even before I knew the statistics, I noticed that…

    Male Perspectives on Study Abroad

  • 4 major Financial Keys to Make Study Abroad Affordable

    pending a semester abroad and taking in the sights and sounds of another country seems like a luxury that only a lucky few can afford. However, if you plan carefully, spending a semester abroad can be an affordable option. Here are my four major financial keys to making your dream semester abroad a reality. 1. Consider…

    4 major Financial Keys to Make Study Abroad Affordable