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  • From Risk-Taking Freshman to Irish Adventurer: The Challenges and Rewards of Being Your University’s First Freshman Abroad

    At 18-years-old, I did not cry when I said goodbye to my parents at 6:00 am at the Tulsa International Airport before I would leave them for four months.  No, I stayed strong and waited until they were out of my sight before I booked it to the airport bathroom to let out all the…

    From Risk-Taking Freshman to Irish Adventurer: The Challenges and Rewards of Being Your University’s First Freshman Abroad

  • Why Care About Self-Care?

    New studies on how to live your best and healthiest life come out what seems like every minute, and it gets difficult to keep track of them all. Drink only raw, unpasteurized milk. Or, don’t drink milk, or consume any animal products whatsoever for that matter. Or, follow a strict gluten-free diet, except during the full moon and…

    Why Care About Self-Care?

  • A Random Act of Irish Kindness – A Digital Story

    “Throughout my time in Ireland, I always felt welcomed whether I was out on the dance floor or walking down the street- the Irish people always made me feel right at home.” Sometimes, you just need a hand. In this digital story, Stephanie Errera explains just how refreshing (and unexpected!) Irish kindness can be. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LAmxU1vaog[/embed]…

    A Random Act of Irish Kindness – A Digital Story

  • What Am I Doing Here? One Student’s Faith Journey Abroad

    Some people plan on studying abroad before entering college, some want to go to a particular country to study a particular subject, some go to visit a country that they’ve always wanted to live in.  Perhaps you fell in one of those categories or maybe none at all.  But if you’re anything like me, this…

    What Am I Doing Here? One Student’s Faith Journey Abroad

  • Bucket List Goals: With the IFSA Learning Plan, You’re Not Alone

    Before studying abroad with IFSA, all students fill out an application stating the goals that they want to achieve while studying abroad. The goals are framed in three categories: professional, academic, and personal. The IFSA learning plan is then reviewed and revised with IFSA staff during several meetings on campus during your study abroad experience…

    Bucket List Goals: With the IFSA Learning Plan, You’re Not Alone

  • Embrace Tourism in Dublin

    When traveling abroad, quite a few people recoil at the words ‘tourist trap.’ In fairness, most of the popular attractions at the biggest tourist destinations tend to be a bit pricey, but it certainly doesn’t mean they are not worth seeing. They’re popular for a reason! I’ve put together a list of common tourist attractions…

    Embrace Tourism in Dublin

  • What Dublin Taught me about Studying Abroad as an Engineering Major

    When I started thinking about studying abroad, I didn’t have much hope that I would be able to make it work out with my class schedule. My university has strict requirements for classes I need to take each semester as a civil engineering major, and I was the only one from my year in my…

    What Dublin Taught me about Studying Abroad as an Engineering Major

  • What Dublin Taught me about Studying Abroad as an Engineering Major

    When I started thinking about studying abroad, I didn’t have much hope that I would be able to make it work out with my class schedule. My university has strict requirements for classes I need to take each semester as a civil engineering major, and I was the only one from my year in my…

    What Dublin Taught me about Studying Abroad as an Engineering Major

  • Visa Requirements

    Know What You Need and Allow Ample Time   Updated: January 31, 2024 Taking care of details and documents may not be the most thrilling part of studying abroad. But it can prevent headaches and give you the peace of mind to focus on the excitement ahead. For starters, know that many countries require visiting students…

  • Engineers Abroad: 4 Tips to Make it Happen

    For engineers, it can be difficult to study abroad. Many schools only want you to take engineering courses with their professors. Many courses have laboratory components that make it difficult to take equivalent courses elsewhere. However, I, as an engineering student at Cornell, was able to study abroad in Ireland during the spring semester of my…

    Engineers Abroad: 4 Tips to Make it Happen