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  • 3 Tips to Save Money Living in London

    When I asked my friends who have studied abroad in London how they think of the city, many of them came up with the same word—expensive. According to Expatistan, London is the 13th most expensive city in the world out of 218 cities and the most expensive city in the UK. Some of my friends…

    3 Tips to Save Money Living in London

  • Academic Support Services, My Experience in London

    I knew coming to a new country would involve a new culture, and I was prepared to live somewhere different from my own. However, while I thought about the people I would meet, the food I would eat, and the places I would go, the differences between a British university and my own weren’t exactly…

    Academic Support Services, My Experience in London

  • Finding Your People: Making Friends Abroad

    I sometimes get asked if the University of Leeds “feels huge” compared to my home university. Though there are many things that are very noticeably larger—especially class sizes and number of courses offered—I always answer honestly that no, it does not feel very large. This, I think, is due to the fact that I managed to find a group…

    Finding Your People: Making Friends Abroad

  • From Foreign to Local: A Story of a Young Immigrant

    I met Jeannie at the University College London international students orientation. I was sitting on a bench in the UCL main building waiting for the twelve o’clock campus tour. Jeannie came up to me and asked if I was also going on the campus tour. I replied with an affirmative answer and we introduced ourselves.…

    From Foreign to Local: A Story of a Young Immigrant

  • 4 Things About London That I Miss The Most

    I didn’t realize how long I had been away until my neighbors said to me “You are finally back!”. My five months abroad felt like only five weeks. Although I was quite excited about going home and seeing my family and friends, I still hoped I could have another five months. London is a city…

    4 Things About London That I Miss The Most

  • 5 Budgeting Musts for Your First Week in London

    London is known as one of the most expensive cities in the world, and coming abroad for the first time can leave you feeling major sticker shock! Especially because the pound to dollar exchange rate is only £0.75 for $1. The best option is to come with a few pounds already in your pocket and…

    5 Budgeting Musts for Your First Week in London

  • 5 Things to Do in London if You’re Jewish

    While there are plenty of stories of Christian students going abroad and strengthening their faith, there are not nearly so many about Jewish students. It was partially this lack of Jewish narratives and partially my strong connection with the Hillel house on my home campus which motivated me to write specifically for Jewish study abroad…

    5 Things to Do in London if You’re Jewish

  • Coming Out: The Abroad Edition

    I have always felt uncomfortable about the phrase “coming out” because of the inherent implication about there being a “normal” or “standard” sexuality, while others are regarded as “other” or “strange.” This past summer, I had to wrestle with this concept. I spent a lot of time thinking about my own sexuality. After many conversations…

    Coming Out: The Abroad Edition

  • Engaging in Uncomfortable Discussions about Race

    In London, I’ve experienced similar challenges with micro-aggressions (aka “casual racism”) as I have in the U.S. Like the United States, the UK has its own set of racial tensions that inhabit college campuses and the greater London community. In the conversations that I have had with other students of color, similar sentiments about the…

    Engaging in Uncomfortable Discussions about Race

  • A Love Letter to the East End

    Online research about the East End would have you thinking that the most significant part about it was Jack the Ripper. However, London’s EastEnders and those such as myself who have had the opportunity to live here would most certainly disagree. As I prepare to leave my home of the last three months, I am…

    A Love Letter to the East End