IFSA Butler





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  • 4 Common Myths About STEM Students Studying Abroad

    As you probably know, STEM students continue to be the minority of those who study abroad in their undergraduate study. Many STEM students either think it is impossible for them to study abroad or feel like it’d be a burden. Let me assure you: those conceptions are not necessarily true. Myth #1: It Doesn’t Fit…

    4 Common Myths About STEM Students Studying Abroad

  • First Generation Student Abroad

    Grit Gets You There. Becoming a first generation student scholar through IFSA was one of my biggest dreams come true. Despite the high financial demands of attending college and studying abroad, I accomplished this though persistence, grit, and hard work. I was looking forward to gaining research skills and relevant job experiences to improve my…

    First Generation Student Abroad

  • How IFSA Made My Abroad Experience Unforgettable

    Cultural immersion, beautiful natural sights, exotic animals (kangaroos!), and breathtaking live entertainment are just a few of the ways I can recap my experience abroad in Sydney, Australia. In addition to the amazing sights and adventures I took part in, I also made some of the closest bonds with people I will never forget. If…

    How IFSA Made My Abroad Experience Unforgettable

  • Making Your Host University a Home: How Women’s Soccer Transformed My Study Abroad Experience

    As I prepared to go abroad in the fall of 2016, one question continued to worry me about my upcoming studies: how was I going to get involved in a community that I only got to spend half a year with?After all, one of the most significant reasons that had motivated me to study abroad…

    Making Your Host University a Home: How Women’s Soccer Transformed My Study Abroad Experience

  • 4 Reasons to Volunteer During Your Semester Abroad

    There were many incredible things about my time in Chile, including traveling, my host family, and improving my Spanish, to name a few. However, what might have been the highlight of my semester was the time I spent volunteering. During my semester, I volunteered every Monday for about six hours at an incredible organization called…

    4 Reasons to Volunteer During Your Semester Abroad

  • Takeaway Lessons From My IFSA Ireland Experience

    Reflecting on my experiences in Ireland, I have come up with a few takeaway lessons that I learned throughout the course of the semester, but would have liked to know ahead of time. Stay Awake, Meet Your City The first day that I met with IFSA-Butler staff and my peers studying at UCC, everyone was…

    Takeaway Lessons From My IFSA Ireland Experience

  • How to Pursue Your Passion Abroad: A Tale Told from a Theatre Seat

    One of my main reasons for choosing London as my study abroad destination was its reputation for the theatre, and the arts. Theatre has been my passion, and something that has taken up a fair chunk of my life since middle school, but I have never seen so many shows in such a condensed amount…

    How to Pursue Your Passion Abroad: A Tale Told from a Theatre Seat

  • Why First Gens Thrive Abroad

    I learned early in my college journey that there is a difference between your resourcefulness and your resources. Resources come and go, and some of us inherited more than others. Resourcefulness, however, is a skill that anyone can develop and is a particularly important life skill that can make for a successful student and traveler,and…

    Why First Gens Thrive Abroad

  • Ticket to the World: A Journey in Ticket Stubs

    I am somewhat of a collector. My mother tends to disagree and side more with the term “hoarder,” but formal classification aside, I am an accumulator of things.As someone with this natural tendency to hold on to stuff, after six months in Europe I came home with two suitcases that were definitely over their allotted…

    Ticket to the World: A Journey in Ticket Stubs

  • Not Your Baby: 5 Tips for Facing Street Harassment Abroad

    You don’t need me to tell you that it’s hard out there for people who identify as female or femme. Everyday sexism is inescapable, and street harassment ranks among its ugliest expressions. Street harassment can vary depending on your location, or simply your luck.However, when studying abroad, it’s important to prepare oneself for a transition…

    Not Your Baby: 5 Tips for Facing Street Harassment Abroad