Search results for: “australia”

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  • Life is Wild

    Studying abroad is a life-changing opportunity made up of all kinds of experiences. To study abroad is to venture out to the unknown, explore new cultures, people, places and experiences. The experiences one can capture while abroad will be memories that stay with you forever. As many would say, studying abroad changed my life. It…

    Life is Wild

  • Reflections on "Doing it First"

    Understanding the experience of being a first-generation student is difficult; sometimes it seems like all students share the same issues and emotions, and other times it feels like nobody struggles the same way “first-gens” do. Yet, being a first-generation student is truly a unique experience. These students are often highly motivated on their own, and…

    Reflections on "Doing it First"

  • Dancing Through Scotland

    How Dance Taught Me Lessons I Used During and After My Semester Abroad My parents enrolled me in dance classes at the age of four and I’ve been dancing my way through life ever since.  Dance has been an integral part of my life from a young age and has given me many opportunities to…

    Dancing Through Scotland

  • When Abroad, Phone Home!

    Reality Hits It’s that time of the semester when there is increasing popularity of memes speaking to many students abroad who are slowly realizing that they still have academic responsibilities and are bracing themselves for the impending doom of neglecting them. The academics may be different from back home, but assignments, essays and exams still do exist on…

    When Abroad, Phone Home!

  • Finding STEM-related Opportunities at University College Cork

    Due to strict class schedules, you don’t see too many STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) majors studying abroad, the fear of messing up course schedules and not being able to graduate within four years becomes a reality.  To find out how it is possible to fit study abroad into your schedule, I spoke with…

    Finding STEM-related Opportunities at University College Cork

  • Taking the Time to Safely Explore Your Local Area

    When we talk about study abroad, all too often we describe the 10 different places visited during our time away from the USA. It is true that having the opportunity to travel to so many interesting places is extremely rewarding and allows for personal growth. However, we often overlook the connection with our local area…

    Taking the Time to Safely Explore Your Local Area

  • 4 Reasons You Should Do an Internship Abroad

    It’s 6:30 AM and my alarm goes off.By 7:30, I’m out the door and headed to the train station. I catch the train and then make it to the ferry, my new favorite form of transportation. As I cross Sydney Harbour, I sip my tea and catch a glimpse of the Opera House passing me…

    4 Reasons You Should Do an Internship Abroad

  • My Immersion Story: Finding Community Abroad

    “Not only did finding a community help my mental health, it showed me a way of life I’m happiest living — I fell in love with my friends, I fell in love with the city and I fell in love with my time abroad [in Melbourne].” Paige Santelli  is a  Biology, Anthropology & Public Policy major at…

    My Immersion Story: Finding Community Abroad

  • In A World of Possibilities, Why IFSA?

    Choosing IFSA: Why the Program Was Right for Me  When it came time for me to choose how and where I wanted to study abroad, the possibilities were quite literally endless. My university allows students to study via a “Duke-In” program, an  approved program, or you can petition for a specific program. The infinite options…

    In A World of Possibilities, Why IFSA?

  • Coding Languages Are Standard, STEM Classes Are Not

    Preparing to Take STEM Classes Abroad I always knew I was interested in studying abroad after seeing my the wonderful experiences my sister and cousins had in various places around the world. When the anticipation of declaring a major began to loom during my sophomore year, I realized I had to start seriously considering how…

    Coding Languages Are Standard, STEM Classes Are Not