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  • How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad

    How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad Decision to Study Abroad as a STEM Major One of the locations of my Marine Biology lab practicals. We went to Maroubra beach and collected data on the algae along the rocky shores. Studying abroad in college was something I knew that I wanted to experience.…

    How I Made The Most of My Academics Abroad

  • Billing, Payments, and Refunds

    Payment Information Make a Payment You can make a payment online via the IFSA Student Portal or send a check through the mail. Pay through the IFSA Student Portal Enter the amount you wish to pay in the box under Make Payment Click the Pay Now button This will take you to our provider site Follow the…

    Billing, Payments, and Refunds

  • Re-entry and Re-definition

    Here’s something we all should talk about: re-entry. Something that seems so casual, so normal; going back to the way you were before you went abroad as if nothing had changed… Except, everything has changed. I remember sarcastically discussing the re-entry slide on a presentation at my abroad organization’s farewell dinner. Why would we talk…

    Re-entry and Re-definition

  • I’m A First-Generation Student Who Studied Abroad, Now What?!

    Applying to college was hard. Planning to study abroad was even harder. And now that my time here in Sydney is nearing the end, I’m facing the biggest challenge of them all: coming home! So here are my final thoughts on how I started, how I ended, and how I’m moving forward. Rude Awakenings: chicken…

    I’m A First-Generation Student Who Studied Abroad, Now What?!

  • 5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Semester Abroad

    I had an amazing time with IFSA at the University of Sydney. I returned home with a newfound love of traveling and appreciation of my college at home. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to study abroad, and I learned so much about Sydney and about myself, but towards the end of my…

    5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Semester Abroad

  • Residential College: Your Home Away From Home

    Depending on the country you’re studying abroad in, the style of optional housing could range between living with a host family, living on your own in an apartment, or in my case, living at a “college” on campus. Note that in Australia they call dorms colleges, so I’m just living at one of the dorms at…

    Residential College: Your Home Away From Home

  • 3 Tips for Academic Success While Studying Abroad

    Contrary to popular belief, studying abroad does involve academic effort on our part. There are assignments to hand in, grading and teaching styles to get accustomed to, and time to manage. The difference between academics abroad and at home is that the reward for hard work now includes exploring your surroundings instead of watching the…

    3 Tips for Academic Success While Studying Abroad

  • How Studying Abroad has Everlasting Impacts on Your Life-long Goals

    You studied abroad, now what? The return home from studying abroad was a whole bag of mixed emotions, spanning from intense sadness to extreme joy. I was upset to be leaving such a beautiful and naturalistic country, but also happy to return home to the comfort of my family and friends. This “bitter-sweet” experience lasted…

    How Studying Abroad has Everlasting Impacts on Your Life-long Goals

  • How to Convey that Sorority Life Isn’t Always Like the Movies While Abroad

    My Big Fat Greek Study Abroad Experience I decided to study abroad in the fall of my junior year — leaving my comfortable home at Rhodes College was difficult yet exciting. I have a great support system at Rhodes, which includes my lacrosse team, friends and sorority sisters. I was hopeful to make new friends…

    How to Convey that Sorority Life Isn’t Always Like the Movies While Abroad

  • (En)roll with the Punches: A Guide to Australian Academia

    I’m a worrier. If you haven’t noticed based on my previous posts, “stress” is practically my middle name. In the weeks before leaving for the University of Melbourne I freaked out—as I usually do—about almost everything. Funnily enough, though, the one thing that didn’t worry me was the actual “study” part of studying abroad. All my life I’ve been the kid who enjoys…

    (En)roll with the Punches: A Guide to Australian Academia