Search results for: “england”

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  • Study Abroad in England

    IFSA’s #1 Study Abroad Destination With countless stories to tell and a feast of iconic landmarks, it’s easy to see why England is tops. The world’s top study abroad destination is home to royal history, quirky double decker buses, legendary literature — and dozens of highly ranked universities.    With IFSA, you could experience Oxford’s legendary…

    Study Abroad in England

  • A Culinary Journey Through London

    [caption id="attachment_1151" align="aligncenter" width="697"] Hello everyone! My name is Jessica Carlson and I will be taking over IFSA’s Instagram with photographs from my time abroad in London, England last fall. I studied as an affiliate student in the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at University College London. I am currently a senior at Wesleyan…

    A Culinary Journey Through London

  • Study Abroad in England: The British Marmite Shortage of 2016

    Starting Off After telling my friends and family I would be spending the next year of my life studying abroad in York, England, the first words out of their mouth were, “Congratulations!” closely followed by, “You better pack some food because I’ve heard it’s not so good over there….” Although they were almost always joking,…

    Study Abroad in England: The British Marmite Shortage of 2016

  • England & Wales

    Accommodations and Accessibility The IFSA team is ready to help you plan for various accommodations you might need abroad. We’re here to support you and help you prepare for a successful study abroad experience.     Early planning is key. First, know that options for accommodations vary by country, city, and university. This makes it important to…

    England & Wales

  • A Colonized Body in the Colonial Empire

    Every time I attend my British History course titled Remembering Slavery, I feel a complex array of emotions. As I listen to discussions on Britain’s role in Atlantic slavery and the way it is remembered, I cannot help but feel the weight of my status as a colonized body in the colonial empire. Although I left Jamaica at…

    A Colonized Body in the Colonial Empire

  • Flooded With Love for England – A Digital Story

    “The entire northwest of England is flooded. Trains aren’t running, shops are closed, classes have been canceled, students are being sent home. And all you can do is laugh.”Katie’s last weekend in England was not at all what she expected, and that’s exactly what made it so special. https://www.youtube.com/embed/H86EPfeNcAc?feature=oembed Katie Yackey is a Marketing student…

    Flooded With Love for England – A Digital Story

  • Our Team

    Advising, Admissions, and Financial Aid Student Engagement Finance International Staff Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Academic Programs Academic Affairs Global Operations Institutional Relations Career Readiness & Global Industry Partnerships Custom Programs Institutional Engagement Operations Human Resources Information Technology Marketing and Analytics Leadership Executive Team Board of Directors IFSA Strategic Advisory Council Advising, Admissions, and Financial Aid…

    Our Team

  • Romantic Relationships in England: My Observations

    There are many things that no one told me would be different in England: pancakes, apple juice, and lemonade to name a few. However, I didn’t realize how different developing romantic relationships would be. Before deciding to study abroad, I met and started dating an Englishman. This has made my experience here extremely special, and…

    Romantic Relationships in England: My Observations

  • Why I Chose to Study Outside of London

    “You’re studying in Leeds? What made you choose that?” I can’t tell you how many times I heard people say that before I got here in January. I think because most students choose to study abroad in London if they come to England. People assume that it’s the only city. That idea couldn’t be more…

    Why I Chose to Study Outside of London