Search results for: “ireland”

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  • Forging a New Path, Revisiting an Old One

    One of the reasons I studied abroad was to explore what I was capable of doing on my own. I wanted to have a completely unknown adventure and to further myself from the comfort of my own home and family.Little did I know, I would encounter more family and be welcomed into a new home…

    Forging a New Path, Revisiting an Old One

  • The Long-Term Benefits of Studying Abroad

    It doesn’t take a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist to figure out the short-term benefits of studying abroad. You get to spend a semester traveling the globe, eating exotic food, meeting interesting people, and immersing yourself in a different culture. You’ll have enough stories to last you all year, enough pictures to cover every…

    The Long-Term Benefits of Studying Abroad

  • Abroad in Ireland as a Transgender Student: A Journey of Self-Love

    The week before I traveled abroad, I pored over my packing list, staring at the crumpled piece of paper until my eyes hurt. I was certain I would forget something crucial, that I would be the only one without it. Medication to last me through December? Check, I reassured myself for the hundredth time. Wool socks?…

    Abroad in Ireland as a Transgender Student: A Journey of Self-Love

  • Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mental Health Issues Abroad

    “Wherever you go, there you are.” As someone with a host of mental health issues resulting from a past I’d do anything to forget, these words have always been a reminder that no matter how far I travel, I’ll never be able to escape myself and my history. But as I reflect on the challenges and…

    Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mental Health Issues Abroad

  • Mooncakes and Macaroni & Cheese: A Chinese-American in Ireland

    At the beginning of my study abroad experience, if you told me I would cook macaroni and cheese four times in two weeks, I would have thought you were joking.  But then it happened, in Ireland of all places.  I, a Chinese-American girl, was requested to cook this dish for my German housemates and their…

    Mooncakes and Macaroni & Cheese: A Chinese-American in Ireland

  • Billing, Payments, and Refunds

    Payment Information Make a Payment You can make a payment online via the IFSA Student Portal or send a check through the mail. Pay through the IFSA Student Portal Enter the amount you wish to pay in the box under Make Payment Click the Pay Now button This will take you to our provider site Follow the…

    Billing, Payments, and Refunds

  • Queen’s University Belfast Partnership

    A member of the distinguished Russell group, Queen’s University Belfast is respected for academic and research prowess and its entrepreneurial point of view. At a university that sees itself as equal parts British and Irish, you’ll live in Queen’s Quarter, a mile from the heart of the city. That makes it easy to discover Irish…

    Queen’s University Belfast Partnership

  • Heritage & Privilege: Multi-Racial Identity Abroad

    When you think about Native Americans, what do you think about? Do you imagine an “Indians and cowboys” scene from the 1800s that involves a lot of shouting and gunfire? Maybe you think of broken English and peace pipes in a smoke filled tipi? Whatever comes to mind, it probably isn’t a modern people that…

    Heritage & Privilege: Multi-Racial Identity Abroad

  • Furthering My Educational Goals While Abroad: Homework Club at Scoil Bhride

    Last fall, while I was abroad in Galway, Ireland, I was lucky enough to be accepted into a U.S. visiting students’ service learning course at the National University of Ireland Galway, which went to a local primary school to help at their homework club. This club was where particular students that were struggling with their…

    Furthering My Educational Goals While Abroad: Homework Club at Scoil Bhride

  • Counting Sheep: A Pre-Vet Student Abroad

    For as long as I can remember, I have loved goats. I love their little hooves, their teeth, their attitude… the list goes on. I think goats are super cool, and this love has manifested itself in my passion for veterinary medicine. What could be better than a career that directly involves taking care of…

    Counting Sheep: A Pre-Vet Student Abroad