Search results for: “ireland”

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  • Coming Home – Why Was it So Hard?

    My Abroad Experience I had the wonderful opportunity of studying in Belfast, Northern Ireland at Queen’s University with IFSA-Butler during the spring of 2016. During my abroad experience, I made many new friends who were locals, and adjusted to a new lifestyle. Being a military kid, I was very used to moving around the United…

    Coming Home – Why Was it So Hard?

  • How My Family Ties Convinced Me To Go To University College Cork

    My Family Is the Reason I Studied Abroad In Ireland I am and always have been a very nervous person when starting something new. After starting college three years ago and it seemed to take forever to settle in, I figured that studying abroad would never really be an option – because by the time…

    How My Family Ties Convinced Me To Go To University College Cork

  • Studying Abroad: A Time to Switch Things Up

    Going abroad is a funny thing: you are introduced to brand new people in a brand new country but it is the best couple of months you could ever imagine. When I first stepped on the plane to go to Dublin, Ireland I felt what seem to be every typical emotion of someone who is…

    Studying Abroad: A Time to Switch Things Up

  • Visa Requirements

    Know What You Need and Allow Ample Time   Updated: December 13, 2024 While students are responsible for securing visas, we’re here to help you throughout the process. Taking care of details and documents may not be the most thrilling part of studying abroad. But it can prevent headaches and give you the peace of mind…

    Visa Requirements

  • How Does a First-Generation, Non-Traditional Student Study Abroad?

    My Story My parents did not attend college, and I was not really expected to attend either. My family also does not travel, and international travel was always a far-off fantasy for me. I never really expected for it to be possible for me to go anywhere; it was just something I daydreamed about from…

    How Does a First-Generation, Non-Traditional Student Study Abroad?

  • GAA and Me: Looking Into Social Connections Through the Use of Sport

    When thinking about Ireland, the most common preconceptions are rolling greens hills, creamy black Guinness, and soaring gray rainclouds. However, one of the defining features of my Irish experience was the Gaelic Athletic Association (or GAA) and its tradition of Irish pride and cultural identity. By participating in GAA at Trinity College Dublin, I was…

    GAA and Me: Looking Into Social Connections Through the Use of Sport

  • Pre-Health Professionals in Northern Ireland – A Digital Story

    “If you’re like me, sitting there questioning if going abroad is for you, I’m here to say stop thinking and go! And if you don’t think there’s a program for you, there is, somewhere, and you should find it!” As a Pre-Nursing student, Alyssa never thought she’d be able to go abroad, but IFSA-Butler made…

    Pre-Health Professionals in Northern Ireland – A Digital Story

  • IFSA Interview Series: Teacher Education in Northern Ireland

    “I went to a school every single day, all day, for five weeks. I built great connections with the students and with the staff. I loved experiencing the school system and seeing the similarities and the differences between the Northern Ireland education system and the American education system. The experience has allowed me to critique…

    IFSA Interview Series: Teacher Education in Northern Ireland

  • Letting in Kindness Abroad

    I arrived in Ireland two days before I could move into my accommodations at the Burren College of Art. I booked a room at a cheap inn I found online with a sparse website and no numbers in its address.  I was staying in Ennis, a market town in the west of Ireland. It was…

    Letting in Kindness Abroad

  • Do Not Let Disability Hold You Back Abroad

    Since coming to Dublin, I’ve gotten quite close with a number of IFSA students who are studying abroad at University College Dublin with me, including Jacquie Kelley, from Vermont. Jacquie studies Political Science and Music at Providence College in Rhode Island, and lives with her three-year-old Golden Retriever, Moose. He’s a service dog, and helps…

    Do Not Let Disability Hold You Back Abroad