Category Stories: First Generation

  • What the Food in Buenos Aires Taught Me About My Latina Identity

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    What the Food in Buenos Aires Taught Me About My Latina Identity

    As a person of Mexican descent living in the United States, I also identify as being a Latina. To be quite honest, I didn’t even know that the term “Latino” or “Latina” existed until about the third grade when I started taking standardized tests that asked me to bubble in my ethnic identity. At the…

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  • APP-y Hour: Four Mobile Apps + One Card You Need When Studying Abroad in Shanghai

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    APP-y Hour: Four Mobile Apps + One Card You Need When Studying Abroad in Shanghai

    After living in Shanghai for three months, I have learned that mobile apps are a huge deal in China. These apps are super convenient and have allowed me to stay within budget while enjoying all the Shanghai has to offer. It is imperative to have working smartphone, especially in a mobile consumerism-driven society like China.…

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  • Dear First-Generation College Student, You’re Gonna Be Okay

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    Dear First-Generation College Student, You’re Gonna Be Okay

    Studying Abroad as a First Generation College Student Being a first generation college student, studying abroad seemed out of reach at first and a bit terrifying. My decision to study abroad in Buenos Aires is one that I am deeply happy with and wouldn’t change it for anything. One of the hardest decisions before studying…

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  • Taking STEM Further

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    Taking STEM Further

    As an Engineering student, it was important to me that my study abroad program was centered around a course that would fit into my degree plan and offer me the opportunity to further my career network. IFSA-Butler’s program at Ulster University: Engineering and Irish Studies offered me just that. Choosing your program One of the main points…

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  • Home is Where Your Family Is

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    Home is Where Your Family Is

    There is a saying that goes ‘home is where the heart is’. I’ve heard this phrase numerous times, however I never really understood what it meant until I studied abroad. The opportunity to study abroad allows you to learn so much about yourself. You are given the chance to gain independence, discover how strong you…

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  • 3 Ways a Student Can Save Money in Northern Ireland

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    3 Ways a Student Can Save Money in Northern Ireland

    What I Didn’t Plan For Financing a study abroad program can be a challenge for some students, especially, it seems, first-generation students. I know that one of my most pressing worries was “Do I have enough money to sustain myself in a foreign country?” I was very careful about anticipating expenses and planning my budget…

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  • 3 First and Lasting Impressions of Sydney

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    3 First and Lasting Impressions of Sydney

    First impressions are everything. Whether they end up being right or wrong, they help us size-up our surroundings. When I first arrived to Sydney, Australia, my mind spat out a plethora of thoughts and emotions. After processing that I had just completed the longest travel adventure of my life, I started to form my initial…

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  • Feeling on Top of The World, All on Your Own

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    Feeling on Top of The World, All on Your Own

    Understanding the experience of being a first generation student is difficult; sometimes it seems like all students share the same issues and emotions, and other times it feels like nobody struggles the same way “first-gens” do. Yet, being a first generation student is truly a unique experience. These students are often highly motivated on their…

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  • A Guide to Friends, Travel, and Going Back Home

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    A Guide to Friends, Travel, and Going Back Home

    Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity for a first generation student. The process starts when you decide you want to study abroad and there are a whole heap of new experiences that come with your decision to study in another country. You’ll be around a bunch of new people, you’ll want to…

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  • La Universidad De Buenos Aires: They Do What?!

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    La Universidad De Buenos Aires: They Do What?!

    Attending the University of Buenos Aires The University of Buenos Aires is ranked 11th for best universities in Latin America and is ranked 75th world-wide according to QS rakings. UBA consists of 13 faculties, 6 hospitals, 10 museums, and 3 high schools. I had the privilege of attending one of the institutions here in Buenos Aires. I…

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