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Search results for: “australia”

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  • Spending (And Saving!) a Semester in Melbourne

    Flat white from the coffee shop down the street. Bowl of pho at the Queen Victoria Market. Fully loaded myki card for use on public transportation. Another flat white from a different coffee shop. Pair of boots from a consignment store on Flinders Street. Yet another flat white. The above is part of a list of what I’ve recently bought. I’ve only been living…

    Spending (And Saving!) a Semester in Melbourne

  • When Traveling Down Under, Don’t Let a Laptop Trip You Up

    When I chose to study abroad in Melbourne, Australia, I knew I’d be in for some interesting experiences, but I felt pretty capable of handling anything that could possibly come my way (except for maybe a ginormous spider or something). My friends who’d previously studied in Oz prepped me for my exhausting trek across the globe: a few hours of…

    When Traveling Down Under, Don’t Let a Laptop Trip You Up

  • In the Final Days…

    My oh my oh my! Time is just flying at supersonic speeds! I am about three fourths of the way through my time here which is absolutely depressing. Oh so absolutely depressing. I love it here in Australia and in my time here since I last wrote my love for the country has multiplied a…

    In the Final Days…

  • Lesson Learned

    In the weeks and months leading up to my departure for New Zealand, where I spent the Fall 2013 semester, I rarely considered any of the traveling I would do while I was abroad. I figured I’d leave the country hopping and non-stop touring to my friends in Europe who could knock out the Lennon…

    Lesson Learned

  • Student Stories

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    Student Stories

  • The Risk of Regret

    Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, you know what’s even scarier? Regret. This February I left behind the familiarity of my friends, family, university, and home for a five-month study abroad experience in the heart of Sydney, Australia. I took the risk of adventure. I was living in an unfamiliar city in…

    The Risk of Regret

  • A Life-Changing Experience: A Digital Story

    Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, you know what’s even scarier? Regret. This February I left behind the familiarity of my friends, family, university, and home for a five-month study abroad experience in the heart of Sydney, Australia. I took the risk of adventure. I was living in an unfamiliar city in…

    A Life-Changing Experience: A Digital Story

  • How Studying Abroad Helped Me Conquer My Biggest Fear

    I have always loved music and singing. One of my earliest memories as a child is belting out the lyrics to Whitney Houston’s ‘I wanna dance with somebody’ thinking, “oh my God I sound just like her!” …I didn’t! And my family and friends never hesitated to let me know that. I sang on my…

    How Studying Abroad Helped Me Conquer My Biggest Fear

  • Why Studying Abroad Was About More Than Me – A Digital Story

    “I’m so glad my decision to study abroad provided my dad and brother with the opportunity to visit Australia as well.” Margie Hislop originally formed questions about her abroad experience based on her own personal experience, not remembering that her inspiration to go abroad stemmed from her father. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oSUO9DbE74[/embed] Margie Hislop is a Psychology student…

    Why Studying Abroad Was About More Than Me – A Digital Story

  • How Study Abroad Taught Me Time Management

    A year ago I embarked on the journey of a lifetime to Sydney, Australia. A place I had never been, with people I had never met, at an unbelievably large university. I didn’t exactly know what to expect from the city, my new roommates, or my new school. This was the epitome of being out…

    How Study Abroad Taught Me Time Management