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  • Carry It With You: Perspectives on Navigating Goodbyes

    [caption id="attachment_13385" align="alignleft" width="300"] The process of leaving a study abroad experience can be painful, but it is an enormous factor in building resiliency.[/caption] Throughout my life I have been fascinated by the challenge of leaving. It seems that to be human is to try to cope with the farewells and adjustments that accompany change,…

    Carry It With You: Perspectives on Navigating Goodbyes

  • Educator Webinars

    Build Your Expertise Register to attend an upcoming webinar designed especially for international education professionals or watch a recording of a past webinar you may have missed. All events are 60 minutes or less. Upcoming In-Person Events Mental Health in Study Abroad: Post-Pandemic Workshop & DiscussionMacalester CollegeSaint Paul, MinnesotaApril 24, 2024 IFSA and Lehigh University…

    Educator Webinars

  • 3 Ways a Student Can Save Money in Northern Ireland

    What I Didn’t Plan For Financing a study abroad program can be a challenge for some students, especially, it seems, first-generation students. I know that one of my most pressing worries was “Do I have enough money to sustain myself in a foreign country?” I was very careful about anticipating expenses and planning my budget…

    3 Ways a Student Can Save Money in Northern Ireland

  • Loving the Irish Language

     Dia dhaoibh! An bhfuil an Ghaeilge agaibh?             San ollscoil nó ag spaisteoireacht, you’re bound to encounter the Irish language one way or another, and it can come as a bit of a surprise. It’s sometimes a point of confusion; many people outside of Ireland may not even be aware that…

    Loving the Irish Language

  • Studying Abroad in a Small Program – What’s it Like?

    My Study Abroad Experience I studied abroad in Belfast, Northern Ireland during the spring 2016 semester.  I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the Northern Irish culture and history, while focusing on academic subjects that sparked my interest.  I was able to take a class relevant to my major, Mathematical Statistics, as well as a course…

    Studying Abroad in a Small Program – What’s it Like?

  • Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mental Health Issues Abroad

    The author walking behind the Burren College of Art on her 28th birthday. Photo by BCA student Angela Nguyen. “Wherever you go, there you are.” As someone with a host of mental health issues resulting from a past I’d do anything to forget, these words have always been a reminder that no matter how far…

    Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mental Health Issues Abroad

  • Celiac Disease Abroad

    [caption id="attachment_12800" align="alignright" width="300"] The author enjoys a gluten-free cake.[/caption] One of the best parts of traveling anywhere is tasting new flavors of local food and drink. Our human need to eat and gather around meals manifests in diverse, beautiful and interesting ways all over the globe. Yet while the connections gained around cooking and…

    Celiac Disease Abroad

  • 3 Questions to Help You Pick The Perfect Study Abroad Destination

    “Where do you want to go for your study abroad period, Thomas?” The question that my mother, my friends, and my study abroad director asked before I left for Ireland in the spring of 2015. At first I was not sure where I wanted to go, but I knew I wanted to study in Ireland.…

    3 Questions to Help You Pick The Perfect Study Abroad Destination

  • Billing, Payments, and Refunds

    Payment Information Make a Payment You can make a payment online via the IFSA Student Portal or send a check through the mail. Pay through the IFSA Student Portal Enter the amount you wish to pay in the box under Make Payment Click the Pay Now button This will take you to our provider site Follow the…

    Billing, Payments, and Refunds

  • Public Transportation: Your New Best Friend in Ireland and Beyond

    Intercity buses: Crowded, right? And noisy, and dirty, and downright strange sometimes?Wrong.Dear hesitant American student:I’ve been where you are, I promise: anxiously looking up tour buses, figuring out where you can go from your host city, and weighing it against costs of groceries and mail home, and everything else. I know it’s easy to see…

    Public Transportation: Your New Best Friend in Ireland and Beyond