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  • Forging a New Path, Revisiting an Old One

    One of the reasons I studied abroad was to explore what I was capable of doing on my own. I wanted to have a completely unknown adventure and to further myself from the comfort of my own home and family.Little did I know, I would encounter more family and be welcomed into a new home…

    Forging a New Path, Revisiting an Old One

  • Mooncakes and Macaroni & Cheese: A Chinese-American in Ireland

    At the beginning of my study abroad experience, if you told me I would cook macaroni and cheese four times in two weeks, I would have thought you were joking.  But then it happened, in Ireland of all places.  I, a Chinese-American girl, was requested to cook this dish for my German housemates and their…

    Mooncakes and Macaroni & Cheese: A Chinese-American in Ireland

  • Abroad in Ireland as a Transgender Student: A Journey of Self-Love

    The week before I traveled abroad, I pored over my packing list, staring at the crumpled piece of paper until my eyes hurt. I was certain I would forget something crucial, that I would be the only one without it. Medication to last me through December? Check, I reassured myself for the hundredth time. Wool socks?…

    Abroad in Ireland as a Transgender Student: A Journey of Self-Love

  • The Long-Term Benefits of Studying Abroad

    It doesn’t take a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist to figure out the short-term benefits of studying abroad. You get to spend a semester traveling the globe, eating exotic food, meeting interesting people, and immersing yourself in a different culture. You’ll have enough stories to last you all year, enough pictures to cover every…

    The Long-Term Benefits of Studying Abroad

  • Heritage & Privilege: Multi-Racial Identity Abroad

    When you think about Native Americans, what do you think about? Do you imagine an “Indians and cowboys” scene from the 1800s that involves a lot of shouting and gunfire? Maybe you think of broken English and peace pipes in a smoke filled tipi? Whatever comes to mind, it probably isn’t a modern people that…

    Heritage & Privilege: Multi-Racial Identity Abroad

  • How My Family Ties Convinced Me To Go To University College Cork

    My Family Is the Reason I Studied Abroad In Ireland I am and always have been a very nervous person when starting something new. After starting college three years ago and it seemed to take forever to settle in, I figured that studying abroad would never really be an option – because by the time…

    How My Family Ties Convinced Me To Go To University College Cork

  • Furthering My Educational Goals While Abroad: Homework Club at Scoil Bhride

    Last fall, while I was abroad in Galway, Ireland, I was lucky enough to be accepted into a U.S. visiting students’ service learning course at the National University of Ireland Galway, which went to a local primary school to help at their homework club. This club was where particular students that were struggling with their…

    Furthering My Educational Goals While Abroad: Homework Club at Scoil Bhride

  • Counting Sheep: A Pre-Vet Student Abroad

    For as long as I can remember, I have loved goats. I love their little hooves, their teeth, their attitude… the list goes on. I think goats are super cool, and this love has manifested itself in my passion for veterinary medicine. What could be better than a career that directly involves taking care of…

    Counting Sheep: A Pre-Vet Student Abroad

  • Studying Abroad: A Time to Switch Things Up

    Going abroad is a funny thing: you are introduced to brand new people in a brand new country but it is the best couple of months you could ever imagine. When I first stepped on the plane to go to Dublin, Ireland I felt what seem to be every typical emotion of someone who is…

    Studying Abroad: A Time to Switch Things Up

  • Coming Home – Why Was it So Hard?

    My Abroad Experience I had the wonderful opportunity of studying in Belfast, Northern Ireland at Queen’s University with IFSA-Butler during the spring of 2016. During my abroad experience, I made many new friends who were locals, and adjusted to a new lifestyle. Being a military kid, I was very used to moving around the United…

    Coming Home – Why Was it So Hard?