Search results for: “internships”

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  • Applying Your Experience Abroad to Your Career

    If you’ve studied abroad before, chances are you would have attended a re-entry meeting at the conclusion of your program or possibly one back home. Something that will come up during this phase of your study abroad experience will be how to look forward towards your career.How can one successfully continue to build on the…

    Applying Your Experience Abroad to Your Career

  • Life-Long Skills: The Professional Benefits of Studying Abroad

    There are countless reasons to study abroad from academic development to cultural immersion to personal growth. Another is developing pre-professional skills. Many students, however, assume studying abroad and being out the country will hurt their chances for a summer internship or job. That might not be the case.  Myth: You will miss out on the…

    Life-Long Skills: The Professional Benefits of Studying Abroad

  • Feelin’ the Aussie Love

    Night is always my reflection and thinking time. And as I sit at Darling Harbor surrounded by my IFSA crew  and beautiful scenery I think back on the month that flew by. And though this is unfair to say to my home, I have fallen madly in love with this country. Or at least Sydney.…

    Feelin’ the Aussie Love

  • Program Updates

    September 15, 2022 Upcoming Deadlines All Oxford Colleges: December 15Based on feedback from the University of Oxford Colleges, IFSA is establishing an early application deadline of December 15th for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring Term Programs. By adding an early deadline, we expect to improve acceptance rates for IFSA students in these highly competitive programs.…

    Program Updates

  • Educator Events

    Build Your Expertise Register to attend an upcoming webinar designed especially for international education professionals or watch a recording of a past webinar you may have missed. All events are 60 minutes or less. Upcoming Webinars Sri Lanka Webinar: An Inside Look at a Great Nontraditional Destination Wednesday, August 28, 20244 p.m. Eastern | 1 p.m.…

    Educator Events

  • Study Abroad in Czech Republic

    The Best of Central Europe In Prague, it’s easy to feel like you fell into a fairy tale — and savor the best of a progressive European city. From Prague’s medieval astronomical clock to Bohemia’s Český Krumlov Castle, Czech Republic is full of unique treasures. They tell the complex story of a nation surrounded by…

    Study Abroad in Czech Republic

  • Big Changes in Barcelona—See What’s New!

    June 29, 2021 Starting in Spring 2022, students will have more exciting options than ever in this charming Catalan city. With feedback from our partners at various schools, we’ve transformed our Design Thinking, Business, and Liberal Arts program into four great programs that make it easy to find the ideal Mediterranean experience. MORE OPTIONS, MORE…

    Big Changes in Barcelona—See What’s New!

  • Study Abroad: The Neon Light on a Resume

    Think Ahead to Create Opportunities to Enhance Resume Before leaving for Australia, I had a list full of items that I needed to pack, important papers I could not forget, and a bucket list full of activities that I HAD to do when arriving in the Gold Coast. I knew I wanted to see a…

    Study Abroad: The Neon Light on a Resume

  • Interning with Parliament – A Digital Story

    “This internship made me want to be more engaged with the community that I was living in. This completely changed and enhanced the trajectory of my time in Scotland.” Madeline had the opportunity to participate in an internship at Parliament, inspiring her to explore the parts of Scotland many political members were passionate about. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PHm6XvwM0E&t=48s[/embed]…

    Interning with Parliament – A Digital Story

  • Sophia’s Study Abroad Experience

    Studying abroad with IFSA’s Griffith University Gold Coast Internship Program has been life changing. We’re housed in a beautiful apartment on the beach. We have a gym and a pool and can walk right out the front door and be on the beach. We’re also walking distance from everything to do in Surfer’s Paradise: including…

    Sophia’s Study Abroad Experience