Search results for: “internships”

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  • How Pride and Community Empowered Me While Abroad in Rome

    Being a part of minoritized communities while abroad may seem intimidating and scary, but my experiences with identity helped me through my first time in a foreign country. I am intersectional – there is not one identity that solely describes who I am. I am a First-Generation college student, I am queer, I am Asian…

    How Pride and Community Empowered Me While Abroad in Rome

  • How To Find a British Boyfriend

    First a disclaimer: This is my own experience of dating and falling in love in London, as a straight, white, monogamous, cis gender gal from America. I cannot speak for other identities, nor do I pretend to have a comprehensive grasp of the scene. I can say London is a hugely diverse city, bursting with…

    How To Find a British Boyfriend

  • The Top 5 Ways I can Leverage My Study Abroad Experience as a Science Professional

    If you’re a STEM major, you might be thinking, “What could studying for a semester or two in another country possibly have to do with my future success?”And as a cognitive science major, I get that. But being a good scientist and a desirable candidate for a job takes much more than fulfilling a list of…

    The Top 5 Ways I can Leverage My Study Abroad Experience as a Science Professional

  • There’s More to Life in Australia than the Beach

    These past few weeks in Sydney have gone by so fast. So fast that I occasionally have to stop, catch my breath and pinch myself because it still hasn’t dawned on me that I’ve actually made it to the other side of the world. My second week of classes are officially over and I’ve had…

    There’s More to Life in Australia than the Beach

  • Skydiving In Scotland And Why My Parents Couldn’t Say No

    In preparation for writing this post, I read back through the journal that I kept while abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland. I tried to write an entry every day, and was successful in that endeavor most of the time. It was important to me that I chronicle my time abroad. I had been warned that the…

    Skydiving In Scotland And Why My Parents Couldn’t Say No

  • Alumni Resources

    Special Grant for Returning Alumni If you’ve been abroad with IFSA for a regular or custom study abroad program, you’re eligible for special savings with the IFSA Returning Alumni Grant! Save $2,000 on an IFSA semester abroad—or save $500 on a summer or January program.    IFSA Semester/Year/January/Summer Program AlumSign into the IFSA Student Portal to…

    Alumni Resources

  • What’s Included

    What’s included in your IFSA study abroad program Set aside the stress of hidden costs and focus on your experience abroad with high-quality programs that include more. Housing Guaranteed; vetted for safety and quality   Mix of residence halls, apartments, and homestays  Homestay options throughout Latin America, in Sri Lanka, and in other locations include most…

    What’s Included

  • Our Commitments

    A Promise That Sets Us Apart  There’s more to study abroad than exploring new places.   Preparing students to make meaningful contributions doesn’t happen by accident. That’s why we weave in a commitment to success in four areas—inclusive excellence, individualized learning, intercultural agility, and enduring impact—through every part of the study abroad process. Inclusive Excellence At…

    Our Commitments

  • Our Team

    Advising, Admissions, and Financial Aid Student Engagement Finance International Staff Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Academic Programs Academic Affairs Global Operations Institutional Relations Custom Programs Institutional Engagement Operations Human Resources Information Technology Marketing and Analytics Leadership Executive Team Board of Directors IFSA Strategic Advisory Council Advising, Admissions, and Financial Aid International Staff Health, Safety, and Wellbeing…

    Our Team

  • An Interview with Diana Arízaga, Director of IFSA Mexico Programs

    September 18, 2019 How long have you lived in Mexico? Tell us more about your story. I have lived in Mexico for 16 years. I moved to Mérida from Lansing, MI, where I was working at MSU’s international programs office. I started in International Education at 21 in Madrid, working for the CSU-system. There is…

    An Interview with Diana Arízaga, Director of IFSA Mexico Programs