Search results for: “australia”

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  • Tina Brown-Ellacott

    Start Date May 2024 Interests Languages • Tahitian Culture • Music Lover • Cinema • Op Shops “International education has been a transformative force in my own life, and I’m passionate about sharing that experience with others. From New Caledonia to Japan, I have seen firsthand how it can broaden horizons, foster cultural understanding, and…

    Tina Brown-Ellacott

  • IFSA Summer Internships in Melbourne

    Balancing your internship commitments with fun and culture is easy in Melbourne, known for its lively arts, sports, and food scenes (avocado toast, anyone?).   IFSA will help you find an ideal match for your goals and interests. Opportunities typically include arts, business, marketing, engineering, design, healthcare, and education. You might help test a new tool…

    IFSA Summer Internships in Melbourne

  • Kevin Cañas

    Start Date November 2022 Interests Volleyball Spiker • Language Learner • Superhero Fanatic • Movie Lover • Internationally Curious “Exploring cultures and societies outside of our own is pivotal to nurturing the curiosity of a learner. I am excited to join IFSA’s commitment to intercultural agility and enduring impact as it fosters international experiences that…

    Kevin Cañas

  • John Kusovski

    Start Date August 2022 Interests Gardener • Traveler • Coder • Photographer • Amateur Chef “My experiences abroad, combined with my career as a digital communications professional, have led me to believe technology cannot replicate the meaningful, real-world discoveries and connections people can make if they choose to travel, work, or study outside their home…

    John Kusovski

  • Margaret McCullers

    Start Date October 2015 Interests Advocate • Ally “It’s really rewarding supporting college students as they pursue international opportunities that often positively and permanently impact their lives. I’m especially passionate about ensuring studying abroad is possible for anyone who wants to thrive abroad.” Education Margaret has a Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business with…

    Margaret McCullers

  • Sandy Fagan

    Start Date April 2023 Interests Traveling • Snow Skiing • Water Skiing • Reading • Global News “I worked as the operations manager for Australian program at IFSA from 2002 through 2008. I have such fond memories of facilitating study abroad experiences for students, that I have come back for more. Traveling and living abroad…

    Sandy Fagan

  • Ray Casserly, Ph.D.

    Start Date July 2022 Interests Musician • “Ruralite” • Talker • “Pracademic” • Joker “Education is more than a graduation. It’s a journey. A journey in self-realization, social mobility, and opportunity. The opportunity is more than the receipt of a grade, but rather a broader, sometimes nebulous, chance to connect with the world and universe…

    Ray Casserly, Ph.D.

  • Christi Hoover

    Start Date May 2007 Interests CanAus (Canadian Australian) • Passionate About Travel • Education • Recreation “I love working in study abroad because I know what a difference this experience can have on students lives and the people they will become. I feel privileged that part of my job is to introduce students to new…

    Christi Hoover