Search results for: “australia”

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  • Special Mobility Series: Aussies Might Speak English, but their Uni is Like a Foreign Language

    I’ve struggled with academics as much as the next 21-year-old college student. This involves jumping between “I love this class—I’m glad I chose this path” and “I wonder what would happen if I just dropped out right now,” hopefully landing closer to the former. However, there are always a few added difficulties to deal with…

    Special Mobility Series: Aussies Might Speak English, but their Uni is Like a Foreign Language

  • Special Mobility Series: Why it’s Okay that Moving and Making Friends Never Gets Easier

    Unlike most students, the decision to go abroad was chosen for me; Susquehanna University is one of a handful of schools in the United States that require every student to have some sort of study away experience. I did, however, get to choose where and for how long, and figured I should get out of…

    Special Mobility Series: Why it’s Okay that Moving and Making Friends Never Gets Easier

  • Special Mobility Series: Study Abroad Work Begins Even Before the First Plane Ride

    One might imagine that you have less work cut out for you on a well-established study abroad program like IFSA-Butler than if you were planning it all on your own. And that’s probably true for most students—but I wasn’t expecting the challenges I encountered before even leaving American soil in my wheelchair. From classes to visas to…

    Special Mobility Series: Study Abroad Work Begins Even Before the First Plane Ride

  • Interning in Australia – A Digital Story

    “Going abroad didn’t keep me from excelling. It gave me adventure and opportunities all in one. Don’t let your fears hold you back, because if you do you will be missing out on the most amazing opportunity of all: really living.” https://www.youtube.com/embed/zishdt5IaZw?feature=oembed Julie Hoffmann is a student at Columbia University and studied abroad with IFSA…

    Interning in Australia – A Digital Story

  • Australia: A Digital Story

    https://www.youtube.com/embed/15w5U1Mo1_0?feature=oembed Jessica Noyes is a student at Villanova University and studied abroad with IFSA-Butler at Flinders University in 2012.

    Australia: A Digital Story

  • This is Not a Vacation

    The moment I touched down in Sydney I was overcome with emotion. To this day I struggle to describe how exactly I felt while I was there. The closest that I can get is that I felt utterly and undeniably like I had somehow returned home. This place, this bustling metropolitan city, 10,000 miles away…

    This is Not a Vacation

  • Introducing the Fall 2022 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

    July 14, 2022 Meet Our New Roving Reporters There’s no one better qualified to share the experiences of U.S. students in new lands than the students themselves. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you to our 14 Fall 2022 Work-to-Study Correspondents. We look forward to hearing from this talented crew as they discover Argentina, Australia,…

    Introducing the Fall 2022 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

  • Introducing the Spring 2024 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

    IFSA | March 25, 2024 Meet Our Newest Roving Reporters We’re thrilled to welcome a new group of students to share their stories from abroad during the Spring 2024 term. With words, photos, and the magic of social media, this talented group will take students back home in the U.S. along on their cultural journeys.  …

    Introducing the Spring 2024 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

  • Taking a Leap of Faith

    Downtown Sydney Opera House at Night Ariel WurstaWhile deciding where I wanted to study abroad, I always had a feeling I would want to go to Australia. I go to Muhlenberg College, a small school of 2,200 undergraduate students located 15 minutes from my house. I personally had never left home for longer than 2…

    Taking a Leap of Faith

  • Myth Busters: Study Abroad Edition

    Myth Busters: Study Abroad Edition You may think you know what it takes to be able to study abroad during your undergraduate college career. You may also think you know that studying abroad isn’t possible for you.You may be wrong. I chose Franklin & Marshall College for two reasons: the research opportunities and the study…

    Myth Busters: Study Abroad Edition