Search results for: “ireland”

How to Make Study Abroad Possible
How to Make Study Abroad Possible I understand really well what it means to have to constantly worry about having enough money to support myself. As a low-income student and having to work part-time job in college to subsidize my study expenses, I used to long to study in another country, but I always dismissed…
How to Navigate Study Abroad as an International Cambodian Student
Why I Go Abroad? Despite the cancellation of my previous program and the fact that I am in the middle of a pandemic, I did not give up on study abroad. I got asked “why Ireland? Why study abroad when you are already abroad? Why leave a community you have become familiar with and go…
Making Music and Meaning – A Digital Story
“The extra effort I put in at the beginning to create experiences that meant something special to me is what made my semester in Ireland so unforgettable.“National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway Fall 2017 student Madeleine Connolly showcases how she was able to get involved with the traditional Irish music scene and connect more with…
Student Teaching Abroad: Lessons Learned in the Classroom
As a current senior in college, my friends and classmates all seem to have one thing on their mind—life after college. In addition to searching for jobs, preparing for interviews, and adding the final touches to our résumés, our every move is influenced by our perpetual anxiety about entering “the real world.” While I have…
Introducing the Spring 2023 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents
January 17, 2023 Meet Our Newest Roving Reporters There’s no one better qualified to share the experiences of students in new lands than the students themselves. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you to our 15 Spring 2023 Student Marketing Correspondents. We look forward to hearing from this talented crew as they discover Argentina, Australia,…
Home Is a Verb: Building a New Life in Galway
It’s 10:30 am, and I’ve stumbled, bleary-eyed, off the bus into Galway City. The drive from the Shannon Airport to my new apartment’s only about an hour, but it feels more like five. I’ve been sitting on an airplane for almost half a day, and my perception of time and sense of place can’t be…
From Risk-Taking Freshman to Irish Adventurer: The Challenges and Rewards of Being Your University’s First Freshman Abroad
At 18-years-old, I did not cry when I said goodbye to my parents at 6:00 am at the Tulsa International Airport before I would leave them for four months. No, I stayed strong and waited until they were out of my sight before I booked it to the airport bathroom to let out all the…
Why Care About Self-Care?
New studies on how to live your best and healthiest life come out what seems like every minute, and it gets difficult to keep track of them all. Drink only raw, unpasteurized milk. Or, don’t drink milk, or consume any animal products whatsoever for that matter. Or, follow a strict gluten-free diet, except during the full moon and…
What Am I Doing Here? One Student’s Faith Journey Abroad
Some people plan on studying abroad before entering college, some want to go to a particular country to study a particular subject, some go to visit a country that they’ve always wanted to live in. Perhaps you fell in one of those categories or maybe none at all. But if you’re anything like me, this…
Engineers Abroad: 4 Tips to Make it Happen
For engineers, it can be difficult to study abroad. Many schools only want you to take engineering courses with their professors. Many courses have laboratory components that make it difficult to take equivalent courses elsewhere. However, I, as an engineering student at Cornell, was able to study abroad in Ireland during the spring semester of my…