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  • Introducing the Fall 2022 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

    July 14, 2022 Meet Our New Roving Reporters There’s no one better qualified to share the experiences of U.S. students in new lands than the students themselves. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you to our 14 Fall 2022 Work-to-Study Correspondents. We look forward to hearing from this talented crew as they discover Argentina, Australia,…

    Introducing the Fall 2022 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

  • Embrace Tourism in Dublin

    When traveling abroad, quite a few people recoil at the words ‘tourist trap.’ In fairness, most of the popular attractions at the biggest tourist destinations tend to be a bit pricey, but it certainly doesn’t mean they are not worth seeing. They’re popular for a reason! I’ve put together a list of common tourist attractions…

    Embrace Tourism in Dublin

  • What Dublin Taught me about Studying Abroad as an Engineering Major

    When I started thinking about studying abroad, I didn’t have much hope that I would be able to make it work out with my class schedule. My university has strict requirements for classes I need to take each semester as a civil engineering major, and I was the only one from my year in my…

    What Dublin Taught me about Studying Abroad as an Engineering Major

  • Bucket List Goals: With the IFSA Learning Plan, You’re Not Alone

    Before studying abroad with IFSA, all students fill out an application stating the goals that they want to achieve while studying abroad. The goals are framed in three categories: professional, academic, and personal. The IFSA learning plan is then reviewed and revised with IFSA staff during several meetings on campus during your study abroad experience…

    Bucket List Goals: With the IFSA Learning Plan, You’re Not Alone

  • A Random Act of Irish Kindness – A Digital Story

    “Throughout my time in Ireland, I always felt welcomed whether I was out on the dance floor or walking down the street- the Irish people always made me feel right at home.”Sometimes, you just need a hand. In this digital story, Stephanie Errera explains just how refreshing (and unexpected!) Irish kindness can be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LAmxU1vaog Stephanie…

    A Random Act of Irish Kindness – A Digital Story

  • What Dublin Taught me about Studying Abroad as an Engineering Major

    When I started thinking about studying abroad, I didn’t have much hope that I would be able to make it work out with my class schedule. My university has strict requirements for classes I need to take each semester as a civil engineering major, and I was the only one from my year in my…

    What Dublin Taught me about Studying Abroad as an Engineering Major

  • Preserving the Magic of Study Abroad

    Studying abroad is an unforgettable experience that has forever changed my life. Ireland, the people I’ve met, my campus, even the weather are things I hope to never forget. Unfortunately, as time goes on, remembering details can be difficult. This is doubly true for someone like me who forgets about things as soon as I…

    Preserving the Magic of Study Abroad

  • Stepping Outside the Safety of Hometown

    Studying abroad was the first time in the past decade I had lived anywhere outside of Oberlin, Ohio. I grew up there and now attend Oberlin College. I was incredibly nervous to be in a completely new place, across the ocean from anyone I knew and any sense of familiarity. Gaining confidence to explore But…

    Stepping Outside the Safety of Hometown

  • Introducing the Fall 2023 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

    IFSA | August 4, 2023 Meet Our Newest Roving Reporters There’s no one better qualified to share the experiences of students in new lands than the students themselves. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you to our Fall 2023 Student Marketing Correspondents. We look forward to hearing from this talented crew as they discover Argentina,…

    Introducing the Fall 2023 IFSA Student Marketing Correspondents

  • Interviews With First Generation College Students Abroad

    There is no single, specific first generation college student. Every person has his or her own stories and different backgrounds. I interviewed two of my friends who shared their own perspectives on being first generation college students. My friend Andrew Stiehler is a junior and a double major in accounting and finance at the University…

    Interviews With First Generation College Students Abroad